when i was in first grade i live at boulder at guest in the only 2 story house on the corner of 75th and county line road now carrol road i remember alot and i blocked alot i remeber meatingfirst friend marc van fossin i got in trouble the first time i met him because i saw him and eric lawler my first enemy in is swing set about 300 feet way and i went over ther and played and when i came back a was yelled at BC i disappeared. if we three were put on scale i was white eric was a gray that was almost black and marc was a gray a hairs breath on the dark end i never stole picked fights and was a good kick eric on the other hand lied stole and picked fights and marc was which ever one he was with eric lead marc marc lead me and i challeged eric and went i say lead i me we did want the leader wanted to do with input from the follower. the leader wanted to play a vidoe game the follower picked out which ones he was willing to play that was our triangle there were other kids in the nieghborhood the berry we called him berry berry kix like the ceral and greg and his bother and david sole and his sister and the neighborhood bully david goss and a few other kid i bearly knew
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