Pre Final

Pre-Final writing Homosexuality is a major issue in today’s society. Homosexuality is defined as the sexual orientation to persons of the same sex or by sexual activity with another of the same sex. Homosexuality seems to be something that is feared by a lot of people. This fear is known as homophobic and is defined in the dictionary as fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. A lot of people argue that you learn to be a homosexual from your experiences growing up, but you have a group that argue it is not a learned behavior but one that you are born with coming from your genes. The whole point of my essay is to talk about the struggles that homosexuals have to deal with in their life. They cannot get married because there are arguments about the right of marriage. People say that marriage is the unity between a man and a woman that are in love, but what about people of the same sex that are in love. There should be equal rights for all people, both men and women. Homosexuals are harassed on a daily basis for the mere fact that they love people of the same sex. People are looked down upon and they don’t have the same rights because of their sexual orientation. Its not fair and things need to be changed. Sheryl Swoopes and Ellen Degeneres are two examples of women who are homosexuals. Sheryl Swoopes is a WNBA player who is a superstar, a role model, and a hero for many young female basketball players. At first, the WNBA was afraid that by Swoopes saying she was gay would affect the league, but it hasn’t. Usually people fear knowing who is ‘gay’ and who is not, but Swoopes came out and her reputation has not changed one bit. In the WNBA, some teams are active towards their female fans and even their gay fans. Its known that lesbians are solid base season ticket holders and by pushing them away, they push away most of their support for not only the league but also the players. As you know, Ellen Degeneres is a television icon. She had her own show and when she came out to the public that she was a lesbian, everything seemed to change. After she came public, her show was cancelled and she was pretty much forgotten about. She came back and now has her own talk show that airs everyday at 4 P.M. Degeneres is dating someone and decided that she wasn’t going to let her sexual orientation ruin her life and she hasn’t. She is a strong person with a lot of will power. It seems as if people are afraid to tell the public about their sexual orientation. How would the world be if people weren’t so afraid? No one can answer that question, but a part of it seems like maybe it would be better. Fear runs peoples lives a lot of times and its not necessarily a good thing, but its become a way of life. Power is limited for homosexuals because they don’t have that bond with a man or a woman. Same sex relationships are frowned upon. Homosexuals need rights and people need to stop being so afraid.
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The main point of the essay titled Where do you want to go today? Cybernetic tourism, the internet, and transnationality is about the internet and how things are portrayed on the internet. They can see virtual tours online showing people and places and also see the way different nationalities live or don't live. The internet only seems to show what you want to see and sometimes hides the truth. The ads sell on TV and people buy the products or go to places because of what they see. Sometimes they are disappointed because they only know half of the truth, but all in all the internet sells and it seems as if everyone uses it. When you are using the internet to search for places to travel, they show you all of the good. You can see an African safari or the Amazonian rain forest. You won't see the poor people or the people that die from animal attacks, but all of the good things about the place (s). You see the birds or the pretty rivers. A person decides where they want to go by the images that they seen online. Technology affects the way that the world is run today and the images that people see. 'If technology will indeed make everyone, everything, and every place the same, as "Anthem" claims in its ambivalent way, then where is there left to go? What is there left to see? What is the use of being asked where you want to go today if every place is just like here? Difference, in the form of exotic places or exotic people, must be demonstrated iconographically in order to shore up the Western user's identity as himself.' The world has turned into a virtual world with technology being in charge. On the internet everyone is portrayed the same. In a Coca-cola ad everyone is the same and the slogan is 'I'd like to teach the world to sing.' There are black and white people, young and old people and they are all one. The people are holding hands, singing, and drinking coca-cola. Human diversity sometimes doesn't exist in the real world, but on TV and the internet everyone is the same. The ideal world would be where everything is the same but everyone knows that it doesn't exist like that. The internet and TV (media) changes how people perceive life. Like I said, technology dominates society and people depend on it. Where would the world be without the advances of technology? Why does everything have to revolve around it? I wish that things would go back and everyone or everything wouldn't be so dependent on the internet or TV. Maybe one day things will be different. The author makes her point clear and uses good evidence to support her idea on technology and cyberspace.
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Theroux, Storni, Rutkowski

"It is very hard to imagine any concept of manliness that does not belittle women, and it begins very early. At an age when I wanted to meet girls - let's say the treacherous years of thirteen to sixteen - i was told to take up a sport, get more fresh air, join the Boy Scouts, and I was urged not to read so much. It was the 1950s and if you asked too many questions about sex you were sent to camp - boy's camp, of course: the nightmare. Nothing is more unnatural or prisonlike than a boy's camp, but if you were not for them we would have no Elks' Lodges, no pool rooms, no boxing matches, no Marines." Theroux talks about the stereotypes that go along with being a man. The big one seems to be how men portray women. He makes the point that women only want the athletes or the good guys so in order to date anyone you must fit one of those categories. That is not true for all women but it seems to be the big trend and it isn't a new one at that. Not all the athletes are gentlemen but disgusting pigs and not all the good guys are truly good. Men put on a big act to get the girl and then the act starts to fade. "Speak with bird and get up at dawn. And when your flesh is restored to you, and when you've put the back into the flesh which was entrapped in bedrooms, then, good man, pretend I'm white, pretend I'm snowy, pretend I'm chaste." Storni is a South American poet who talks about how women would be better off as white. All non-white women are portrayed differently than white women and they seem to be overlooked because of their skin tone. She talks about how if men pretended they were actually white things would be better off. Society makes me sick. "Nowadays, powerful girls are everywhere on television and in the movies, even in genres previously populated only be men, especially action, science-fiction, and fantasy. Buffy Summers, the protagonist of television's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, was one of the first in a long time of champions of this new breed of girl power." Rutkowski talks about Buffy as being the first female superhero, which is true. When Buffy first started she was in high school and she was the 'chosen' one to fight the vampires. Women need to not be looked at as just the mothering type but also as strong independent women who can do anything. Buffy was feminine and if one would see her, they wouldn't portray her as a hero of any sort but she was the tough, strong, independent female hiding. As the show continued, she became a role model for young girls and everyone wanted to be just like her. Nowadays there are more female superheroes and the job is not all about men anymore. That's extremely good since women are starting to find their place in society and men don't control it as much anymore.
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in class writing

The first essay was about men and the whole idea of being a man. He talks about how he actually hates being a man because of how men are portrayed to society. It talks about how men are supposed to act and what they have to do to pick up 'girls.' The second article was about how black men would be better off as white people. Blacks are discriminated against and would be treated differently if they were white. The third story uses the topic as women being superheroes now and saving the world. It mostly talks about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and describes her as the first female hero to save the world. Nowadays super heroes are starting to be females which is good because everything in society isn't associated with men anymore, which I like. Buffy fights vampires and for some reason, society associates with the blood sucking creates. I'm very amused by them to be honest. Some people turn into vampires on the show and the vampire in them is the side that shows hidden desires.
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short essay

Bias Women in the workplace are discriminated against everyday for the mere fact that they are women. Women are automatically paid less and if you are married with kids beware of the dangers that come with trying to find a job that will pay you a decent wage. The article by Tannette Johnson-Elie who writes for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote an article titled Moms are getting jobbed in interviews; Study finds lower pay, less chance of being hired is about what women face everyday in the workplace. The main idea of the article is that you should not talk about your children on an interview or to an employer for that matter. ‘A groundbreaking study by Cornell University researchers found that outing yourself as a mom can make it difficult to get and keep a job. “Getting a Job: Is there a Motherhood Penalty?” found that women with children are less likely to get hired, are paid less than equally qualified fathers or women without children and are viewed as less competent.’ The whole idea is exactly what that last line states, which is taken straight from the essay. Shelly J. Correll, an associate professor of sociology at Cornell along with Stephen Benard, a Cornell graduate student and researcher did a study on their students. The came up with two fictional characters, both women, one with two children and the other married with no children. Both women had exactly the same qualifications for the job and the point of the study was to see who the students would rather hire. The students chose the women with no children and that’s exactly what happens in the workplace, but with real employers. Employers are bias towards women in general, but more or less, women with children. They are looked down upon for wanting the children and are looked over for a job or are paid significantly less than women without children. On the other hand, men with children are offered more money then men without children. Maybe its because they have a family and they are the provider, but no one has the answers to the questions. Women have always been looked down upon in the workplace and nowadays women with children are at the bottom of the working world. Women are told that when they go in for a job interview that they shouldn’t wear their wedding rings or acknowledge the fact that they have children. Being a mother is a job in itself but for employers to frown upon one is just a load of crap. Don’t get me wrong, there are women that do succeed and are very successful with children but it takes a lot of work to get there. Employers have this so called ‘perfect worker’ that they want everyone to be. Their idea of this ‘perfect worker’ is one who can drop everything in a moment’s notice for the company, they should be able to devote enormous hours to work and work late nights and weekends. Employers feel that women with children would not be able to do that for the mere fact that they have children. Some workplaces are very flexible with women because of their children, however most places aren’t. Employers need to realize that women need their children and need to be able to accommodate their mothering skills with their profession. Women’s families help to keep them sane with the stresses that work may cause them and in order to be a great worker, they need that. I think that it’s a load of crap. I think that women should not be treated differently because they are women or because they have children. Why is it that men with children are offered more money but women are pushed aside and frowned upon? Seriously, what is this world coming to. Not everyone is perfect nor will they ever be. I hate how women are treated like crap just because of our gender. I mean come on, there are times when women are more qualified for a job but pushed to the side because of their gender. I hate how society treats us and I hate how we are frowned up. Its not like we could have told our parents that we’re going to be treated like garbage and would rather be a man. My mom raised five children alone and has made something of herself. Yeah she would like more money and to be acknowledged a little by her company. She has pictures of us, her kids, on her desk and she’s not looked down upon for it. Working sucks! I think that men need to get off of their high horses and stop being biased towards women. Its not our fault and we’ve been given crap since the early ages. For once I think that someone needs to cut us some slack and realize that we are just as good as men. I wish that us women had some rights in society and could change the fact that we are not only looked down upon but also paid less.
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marked women and unmarked men

Women are considered 'marked' because of how they protray themselves in the world. They are looked at upon the clothes that they wear or how they do their make-up and hair. If they are wearing bold colors and flashy make-up then they are considered that way. If they are wearing natural colors with natural looking make-up they are considered plain janes. Women are chosen in the workplace because of they way they portray themselves and who could do a better job. Men are considered 'unmarked' because when they are at conferences or workplaces they are usually wearing suits and ties that are blue or black with white shirts or a shirt that accents the tie. They don't usually have bold colors on but natural business looking suits. Women and men shouldn't be categorized because of how they portray themselves to society. They dress themselves due to the type of day it is and the work that must be done. Its not ok to categorize people because of how they look and how they hold their head. I think that everyone should be created equal and that the labeling should be taken off for everyone, both men and women. Let them be business people and not looked at due to their apperance. If they want to wear bold colors then maybe that's just their personality and if they want to go more towards plain jane then so be it. Sometimes natural colors look good and they want to look more business oriented. Who cares how they style their hair and do their make-up. Everyone is different, but shouldn't be looked at because of the things they're wearing or how their hair and make-up look. Seriously, society makes me very angry sometimes ...
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space and gender in the workplace

In the workplace, men and women occupy different 'spaces' meaning that the men are on one side and the women are on the other. I completely agree with that, at my mom's work, the people surrounding her are all women. The men are the one's that are the managers and the CEO's of companies and the women are usually the one's doing all of the work. That is also true. The bosses at my mom's work are all male and make double what she does, but in the long run, my mom's work is better and she rarely messes up and knows what she's doing. Gender is a big issue too. Males are in charge and make more money just because they are males. Women do better work and get it done faster, but are only paid a minimum. If a woman asks for a raise, she rarely is going to get it for the work that she does, but if a man asked then he would get it, no questions asked. I hate how men are treated as the high guys because in the long run, the women would be better off running the companies. The lady that sits across from my mom at work has no college degree of any sort and wants my mom to teach her to do her job. My mom told me about this new guy that they got that they are paying to go to school for some kind of degree when she could do his job plus some but they don't want to pay her more money. It really sucks how women are discriminated against in the workplace just because of their gender. Men are superior even if they really aren't.
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week of March 1

Individuals and society are relating together because as an individual you are part of society. Your interests retain to you as a person and how you see different things. You decide what you want to do with your life because of your interests and you will eventually go to college and get a degree and make a career out of what you like to do. Personal, cultural and professional are all related together because you are an individual that deals with culture and things that you like and you turn that into something professional with the help of schooling. Its important to think about them all together because they are related and in order to move to the next one you must first succeed from the previous one. Gender, race and class are a huge issue in the professional world. The men end up with the better and high paying jobs because men are the ones to run society. Women seem to be the ones to go into the profession involving help. Maybe its because they are better with people but who knows. The Caucasian's are better in society than Afrian American's or Asian American's. I don't think that gender, race and class should determine the type of job and level of pay that you receive but it does and it always will. College prepares you for the 'real' world because its supposed to help you get ready for what's outside of your home and your schooling. In college, you mostly take classes rearing towards your major or what you want to do. Learning how to succeed and become a successful professional. Not all times does college prepare you but the majority of times it does.
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When you people leave comments with your thoughts or opinions maybe you should leave a name
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week of February 20

Well on the Tupac Resurrection movie, I found it very boring and its not really my thing. Good for him that he wanted to change the whole idea of modern America or whatever but there was no way that it was ever going to change. If he wouldn't have been murdered or whatever even happened to him, I still think that he would have never accomplished his whole idea of making things better or making people see that not everyone's life is perfect. Its important to analyze culture because culture is different for everyone. The whole idea of culture seems to be getting lose. In your home, your parents teach you about the type of culture that they want you to learn and in school, depending on your classes, you learn about many different things. It seems like culture ranges in ideas and everyone sees it differently. As an individual you are more apt to think of culture and how it affects you but as a member of society, you must try to understand culture from more than one perspective. Keep in mind that not everyone sees things the same.
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week of February 13

Red White and Brainwashed Anit-Flag They use the flag to control us Brainwash us to be their patrotic slaves Programs our minds by controlling what we learn The only difference from the nazis is that Someone tried to stop them Red, White, and Brainwashed! (x4) The government says they're working for us Just as long as we increase their pay But the minute they get into office we're a has-been A yesterday Red, White, and Brainwashed! (x4) The red stands for the blood of all the people We've slain The white for this racist, bigoted foundation The blue for your arayan eyes -- all empty Empty because you're taught to bow down to the man "Fly that flag, that flag of freedom" "Do what you can for your country" Go and fight their wars for them "They're not following in our footsteps, KILL THEM!" Red, White, and Brainwashed! (x4) They call that being a patriot I just call it ignorant If you don't fight to make things better Then you're the one betraying the country Red, White, and Brainwashed! (x10)
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black Bart Simpson

I think that the people who created the black Bart t-shirt were just trying to say "Hey we're human too" or something along those lines. Yes creating the t-shirt was illegal and they probably shouldn't have done it, but I don't blame them. The t-shirt was created so that the minorities could feel like they were part of this world too and that they weren't just overlooked. Everything in today's society is about the majority/whites and everyone else is just overlooked because of their race. Yes its stupid but its something called life. People took offense to the black Bart Simpson because on TV he portrays the white kid who gets into trouble. Parents thought that by buying their children these black Bart t-shirts, they were saying that they could kinda follow the image of the character. Bart wasn't always the bad kid who got into trouble all of the time. He was the kid that loved to skateboard and make his dad mad. He is portrayed as always being bad but half of the time he isn't. I mean he's in elementary school for christ sake. Let him be a child and who cares if he was created into a "black" kid.
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week of February 6

Men are taught by their fathers or male role models that its not ok to be soft. There are a lot of pressure on young boys. In society today if you don't act tough all of the time then you are going to be called harsh names and put down a lot. Boys do not want to be put down, but want to be one of the guys. Most boys afflict pain on others and its usually violent and its because they have to have this whole tough guy attitude. Boys need to have the control. Boys will say that real men are strong both physically and mentally. If they show a sign of weakness then they are not considered a real man. By the things that young boys are exposed to everyday, they learn how they are supposed to act and look like. Over the past couple of decades, media's representation on how the male should look has changed. Nowadays they are more masculine and their guns have gotten bigger. Normal average looking guys are the same. In the movie, Jackson Katz talked about the Columbine killers. The two kids were tormented and didn't fit in and were bullied by the dominant males. The boys got crap and took things and lives into their own hands. They were average just like everyone else, but because they didn't have this "guise" they were tormented.
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Personal Essay

Memories Where do I start? As a young child in my neighborhood, I knew everyone by name. I could recite many different things about them and was close with a lot of them. Moving days were sad, but I remember them as if they happened yesterday. I remember all of the good days and have repressed a lot of the bad ones. Growing up, my teachers in school used to tell me to slow down when I talked because I used to talk loud and fast. Over the years, my communication skills have improved and people don’t tell me that anymore. The article titled "A Remedy for the Rootlessness of Modern Suburban Life?" By Sarah Boxer. is about the suburbs. “They call for some old-fashioned things: walkable neighborhoods with a mix of residences, businesses and public places; straight and narrow streets; wide sidewalks, and no cul de sacs.” If you keep reading it then says “They believe houses should be built close enough together and close enough to the sidewalks to define streets and public squares.” In my neighborhood, the only distance between my house and my neighbor’s house is a driveway and maybe some grass. Later in the essay they say something about being “neighborly” and I agree with that. I knew everyone by name and I remember the day they moved away or became sick and died. When my father left fourteen years ago, I thought I was doomed. Turns out, I wasn’t and I owe that to my older brothers and my one childhood friend that I would do everything with named Aaron. Everyday we were together causing mischief and running the streets. We would play hide-in-seek in everyone’s yards, usually hiding in the bushes or behind sheds. My mother used to say that we were inseparable and then the day came when he said he was moving. I remember it like it was yesterday, but it was eleven years ago. I remember all of the fun we had and he helped shape me into the person that I now am. The best memory of us two together was when I ended up with three stitches on my head. We decided that we wanted to be professional golfers and were playing in his front yard. The next thing I know I’m bleeding and screaming. I ended up in the Emergency Room with three stitches. I laugh when I think about now and it makes me miss him even more. I will never forget him and maybe one day I will see him again. Not only did I have Aaron as a friend but also the older neighborhood kids that treated me like I was one of them. Everyone knew everyone else and it was nice having that bond with my neighbors. Nowadays, I don’t see nor speak to any of them. Deborah Tannen writes the essay "Connections." Tannen talks about her communication with her parents and her sister. She says how she waiting four hours one night just to make a phone call to her mother and father. She e-mailed her sister a lot and that is how they kept in touch since they were across the ocean and hundreds of miles away. She kept up a lot of friendship and learned about the guy that sat next to her at work because of the technology and the thing called e-mail. Over the years, technology has gotten better and better. It seems as if it keeps improving, what’s next? Sometimes its hard to keep in touch with people when you get older so you find a way to communicate that works out best. E-mail is very fast and unaffordable so it appears that everyone uses it. As a child in my household, I had to talk very loud and very fast at the dinner table to get what I needed to say out. I had two older brothers and two younger sisters. My mother could not listen to all of us at the same time. It looked like we were all fighting, but we were just trying to talk at the dinner table. On the first day of junior high, I met a girl named Natalie. We used to talk on the phone for hours and spend as much time together as we possibly could. I remember always fighting with my sisters over the telephone; we all wanted to talk to our friends at the exact same moment. The fights over the phone went on for a few more years. At the start of high school, my mother decided to get into the technology era and we got out first computer and that meant that we got to have the internet. At that time I became friends with a girl named Dana. We talked on the phone and the computer a lot. When my brother’s death hit my family, she was there for me through it all. She was always seeing how I was doing and she cared. Now we barely speak because of our schedules but we still manage the occasional chats with each other. Sometimes my mother would be very annoyed with us all and it seemed as if no one could blame her. She would go to work all day long, come home and have to deal with our fights. After a little, the fighting all stopped and my house became a quiet place. After my graduation from high school things changed. Now, my mother can come home after work and relax because there are no more fights over the computer or the phone. My sisters and I each have our own cell phone and computer. They are our lifelines to the world and our way to communicate to each other without personally having to talk. Throughout my years in this hectic place known as life, I have realized that I would not be the person that I am today without the friends that I had and the changes that I had to deal with. Living in the suburbs has helped me deal with life’s crazy problems because I had awesome neighbors that cared and communicating with them was easy. A handful of the old neighbors have moved away and left me here, but because of the internet, we still talk. I am glad that I got to grow up where I did and learn the things that I did. The suburbs are not a bad place and the internet is more good than bad.
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week of January 30

Obviously since its a personal essay I have to write it on myself. I decided to write about growing up and just being a kid. The things that I did and the moments I shared with my friends. I decided to use "A Remedy for the Rootlessness of Modern Suburban Life?" by Sarah Boxer. In the article when she talks about the new urbanism, it says "They call for some old-fashioned things: walkable neighborhoods with a mix of residences, businesses and public places; straight and narrow streets; wide sidewalks, and no cul de sacs." It also says "They believe houses should be built close enough together and close enough to the sidewalks to define streets and public squares." When I first thought about it, I thought it was creepy how things should be like that until I thought about it. I remember growing up, as a young child, and walking the streets by my house with my neighbor, who was also my best friend, and things weren't bad. We used to play in the street with everyone and make huge child scenes. The houses are directly next to each other with only a driveway and maybe some grass separating them. We played in everyone's backyard and acted like kids. Nowadays, no one in my neighborhood knows anyone else and things changed. There's day when I don't want to walk outside at night ... I also chose "Connections" by Deborah Tannen to use for my essay. In it she talks about how she would wait for four hours to make a phone call home to her parents and how she used her e-mail a lot to communicate. As a young child I wasn't on the phone much but when I hit junior high, me and my sister's used to fight over the phone. We were always talking to someone else. In January of 2000 we got our computer and the internet. That too became a fight because we all wanted to talk to our friends online and surf the net. Eventually we got older and stopped fighting and now we have our own computers. It just brought back memories. Communication was tough as a child because I had two older brothers and two younger sisters so you had to talk loud and fast to even be heard. There was a lot of yelling and screaming in my house and even in my neighborhood. I remember yelling across the street to my neighbor all of the time. Those were the days when nothing mattered and you could actually be a kid with no worries ...
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Amy Tan

English is one of the hardest languages to learn and the fact that her mother can even speak "broken" english is amazing. Maybe her mother just had such a strong accent that it was hard to understand what she not only meant but also was trying to get across. Tan writes and speaks in the different forms of Englishes that she used growing up and throughout her life. Tan talks about never doing good on the English tests throughout her years of school because she couldn't comprehend what they were trying to ask for. She brings up the fact that most Chinese or Asian Americans are engineers because they understand the math and sciences better for the fact that there is only one answer and they can achieve the answer. Tan makes the point that her mother is in the audience and that she might not be able to understand her speech. She then came to realize that she speaks simple english with her mother for the fact that its easy to understand. Tan didn't realize until that moment that she uses two types of english when talking. Tan has given the speech a dozen other times but at that moment when she realized her mother was in the audience, she needed to change how she worded things and spoke so her mother could understand what she was saying. With English being a hard language to learn, we always say that non-Americans speak brokenly and they are hard to understand. Our interpretation of their language may not be good but they are trying their best to speak. They don't realize that they are hard to understand but when learning a new langugage you just have to try and try again. Amy Tan just had an advantage to her mother because she went to school and grew up with the language so it was a little easier for her and now she speaks fluent English while her mother still has a hard time learning. I think that all English tests are hard even if you speak fluent English so for Tan to not fully understand and want to write is simply amazing.
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week of January 23

When I go away from Michigan, it seems as if people can distinctly tell that I'm not from their "city" because I have the so called "Michigan accent." I went away to North Carolina and some random girl at the mall asked me where I was from because she's never seen a person with my type of style and she was intrigued by it. I was a little flattered and a little weirded out by the whole situation, but I laughed and for that moment it made me feel proud that my city has shaped my style to be that way. Detroit was given the nickname Detroit rock city because the majority of rock music originating in the city. Style is shaped by the music that you listen to, causing people to dress according to the music scene. Living in Warren and Macomb County, I find it funny when people from different counties come here because they have no idea how to pronouce the street names. I laugh when people try to say Dequindre, Schoenherr or Gratiot. However, I think its like that everywhere. People in the metro area never say we're on M-10, but always the Lodge. Usually people from out town can't play nor pronouce Euchre. Where you live shapes who you are and who you will become. Niki's Window is a story about an immigrant who wanted to make a name for himself and not be poor his whole life. Eventually that's what he did, but it seemed as if the topic of the article was about the city of Detroit and mostly the bad things that go along with it. The Dodge Brothers automobile shop helped to shape the city because they were pretty much the first ones to build the first car, along with Ford. I think that alone is a big accomplishment that just gets overlooked because people only want to talk about the bad stuff. Here's a reality check for all of you out there, murder, crime, carjacking's, drug wars, etc. goes on everywhere. It seems like you never hear about anything bad going on around the country, but then again since we live in Michigan, they're going to talk mostly about Detroit and portray it to be a "bad" city. Niki's Window mostly made Detroit look like a bad city, but decades ago it wasn't. It was a city that was trying to build up and yeah the money left, but I don't blame that on the city itself. I blame Detroit's problem on the government more or less. Get over the fact that Detroit is so bad because its not, everyone just fears for their "lives" because of what they read or hear, but don't believe it all ...
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