Pre-Final writing
Homosexuality is a major issue in today’s society. Homosexuality is defined as the sexual orientation to persons of the same sex or by sexual activity with another of the same sex. Homosexuality seems to be something that is feared by a lot of people. This fear is known as homophobic and is defined in the dictionary as fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. A lot of people argue that you learn to be a homosexual from your experiences growing up, but you have a group that argue it is not a learned behavior but one that you are born with coming from your genes.
The whole point of my essay is to talk about the struggles that homosexuals have to deal with in their life. They cannot get married because there are arguments about the right of marriage. People say that marriage is the unity between a man and a woman that are in love, but what about people of the same sex that are in love. There should be equal rights for all people, both men and women. Homosexuals are harassed on a daily basis for the mere fact that they love people of the same sex. People are looked down upon and they don’t have the same rights because of their sexual orientation. Its not fair and things need to be changed.
Sheryl Swoopes and Ellen Degeneres are two examples of women who are homosexuals. Sheryl Swoopes is a WNBA player who is a superstar, a role model, and a hero for many young female basketball players. At first, the WNBA was afraid that by Swoopes saying she was gay would affect the league, but it hasn’t. Usually people fear knowing who is ‘gay’ and who is not, but Swoopes came out and her reputation has not changed one bit. In the WNBA, some teams are active towards their female fans and even their gay fans. Its known that lesbians are solid base season ticket holders and by pushing them away, they push away most of their support for not only the league but also the players. As you know, Ellen Degeneres is a television icon. She had her own show and when she came out to the public that she was a lesbian, everything seemed to change. After she came public, her show was cancelled and she was pretty much forgotten about. She came back and now has her own talk show that airs everyday at 4 P.M. Degeneres is dating someone and decided that she wasn’t going to let her sexual orientation ruin her life and she hasn’t. She is a strong person with a lot of will power.
It seems as if people are afraid to tell the public about their sexual orientation. How would the world be if people weren’t so afraid? No one can answer that question, but a part of it seems like maybe it would be better. Fear runs peoples lives a lot of times and its not necessarily a good thing, but its become a way of life.
Power is limited for homosexuals because they don’t have that bond with a man or a woman. Same sex relationships are frowned upon. Homosexuals need rights and people need to stop being so afraid.
Just thought I would kindly tell you that, and in no way am I trying to sound like a douche. :]
"Power is limited for homosexuals because they don’t have that bond with a man or a woman."
Are you trying to say that they are limited in the sense that society deems homosexuality wrong? Or that it is different since they do not love a person from the opposite sex? Maybe you should clarify it?
and i love what you have written!
the end.