Individuals and society are relating together because as an individual you are part of society. Your interests retain to you as a person and how you see different things. You decide what you want to do with your life because of your interests and you will eventually go to college and get a degree and make a career out of what you like to do. Personal, cultural and professional are all related together because you are an individual that deals with culture and things that you like and you turn that into something professional with the help of schooling. Its important to think about them all together because they are related and in order to move to the next one you must first succeed from the previous one.
Gender, race and class are a huge issue in the professional world. The men end up with the better and high paying jobs because men are the ones to run society. Women seem to be the ones to go into the profession involving help. Maybe its because they are better with people but who knows. The Caucasian's are better in society than Afrian American's or Asian American's. I don't think that gender, race and class should determine the type of job and level of pay that you receive but it does and it always will. College prepares you for the 'real' world because its supposed to help you get ready for what's outside of your home and your schooling. In college, you mostly take classes rearing towards your major or what you want to do. Learning how to succeed and become a successful professional. Not all times does college prepare you but the majority of times it does.
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