my journalism

all I can say is State J Champs never fail to be anything but the most incredible experiences. today didn't disapoint that expectation. boy, will I miss those. hopefully college will bring around an equivilant. see, i've been thinking ... i used to think i'd just bawl on my graduation day, but the few ppl that i'm close to @ WHS ... we'll keep in touch. i can stand the distance because of the way my friendships have been constructed after leaving papio. but today i started thinkin about Lance ... i'm going to at least try to hit part of late night on Tuesday ... my last fraction of a late night. my laste late night was super. couldn't have asked for a better one. and the issue before last was my last issue. i'm thinkin of whippin up an online exclusive this week, but i'm not sure if i'll have time. high school, i'm ready to fly. but i'll miss my Jroom. my Lance. my Lance staff. my late nights. my digital dark room. my oranges and pretzel sticks. my exchange rack. my Jhall. my journalism!! my high school journalism career is over! that's so sad, but necessary.
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sad.. I cant read this anymore! -brian
i totally understand. i was the editor of our paper in hs and wrote for four years, and i cried after our last issue was done. i still miss the j-room, but college journalism is just as awesome, i've been doing it for two years now. where are you going next year?