Support Lines Are .. Open.

Arright kids, I've heard your whiney, annoying problems and .. j/k. A lot of you have problems you need real help with, so I'm going to give you this diary as an aide. Anything you need help with, post it here. Not on the news diary. Please, for the love of Peter Pumpkin Eater. Thank you and good day. --Scott EDIT It would be a big help if people wouldn't leave comments "anonymous" because it would be much easier to respond directly. Also this area is NOT for PERSONAL, LOVE, and PSYCHOLOGICAL help. Unless Scott says so! ---Scott's minion (leo)
Read 62 comments
i never got a confirmation link.. so my diary is probabbly gonna be deleted in 8 days SO HELP ME PLEASE
I need help w/ decorating my SITdiary and I have no clue what to do (cuz I'm blonde)
I need help w/ decorating my SITdiary and I have no clue what to do (cuz I'm blonde)
I need help w/ decorating my SITdiary and I have no clue what to do (cuz I'm blonde)
I need help w/ decorating my SITdiary and I have no clue what to do (cuz I'm blonde)
I need help w/ decorating my SITdiary and I have no clue what to do (cuz I'm blonde)
I need help w/ decorating my SITdiary and I have no clue what to do (cuz I'm blonde)
I need help w/ decorating my SITdiary and I have no clue what to do (cuz I'm blonde)
plls my Sit diary is blank and I have no clue what to do!!!Help!!!!!!!!
Skyeofsc-I really need help with my Sit diary don't know how to decorate it
Skyeofsc-I really need help with my Sit diary don't know how to decorate it
Im getting SPAM in my comment areas about casions and shit, lets stop this...
i never got a confirmation link.. so my diary is probabbly gonna be deleted in 8 days SO HELP ME PLEASE
i never got a confirmation link.. so my diary is probabbly gonna be deleted in 8 days SO HELP ME PLEASE
i never got a confirmation link.. so my diary is probabbly gonna be deleted in 8 days SO HELP ME PLEASE
i never got a confirmation link.. so my diary is probabbly gonna be deleted in 8 days SO HELP ME PLEASE
I need help w/ decorating my SITdiary and I have no clue what to do (cuz I'm blonde)
Hey Scott, Id like to delete my Journal and its REALLY important that it is deleted soon. so please delete it or tell me how to
hello. i don't know if this is one of those common sense things i should know but..

i have uploaded pictures but they don't show up. when i go to delete them it says the file does not exist. its taking up some space. is there anyway to fix this? much thanks..

Leo smells like old people's feet... :}
image manager hates me tons.
sometimes it randomly works but 99% of the time, it tells me that it wont upload my picture unless its jpg/gif. i know what this means and all my pictures are jpg. i lowered the pixel count and bla bla bla by a lot but it still tells me that it wont upload it.

what is wrong. this sucks.
thank you in advance
Okay, Scott
Seriously now... I was wondering if I could delete my diary: [chazattack]

I wanted to move my diary entries from this s/n to that one... but, I figured it would be too much work. If it's possible to do that all at once. PLZ help. :'( If not, just help me delete [chazattack]

Thanks, Scott

uhh.. yeah... i just started this this. i need major help. how can i revise an entry i already made in the past? that would help me tons if u can answer that. and what are all these things on the preferences? ohh god... help!
u know what... w/e. just delete my profile for me [pinky0x] ill make a new one. i have no time for this
can you delete my account..PLEASE!
hi im rainissad, or rainissad2. i have 2. but i cant get onto rainissad. can you PLEASE HELP ME!!! my password isnt working
-rainissad, or rainissad2
alright i forgot my password, Is there any way to get it back!!??
how do you go to ur diary and i cant login i wrote in my password and user but it wont work please help thanxx bethany
I just wrote a hudge entry and saved it but its not there.
Um if i forgot my password what do i do? i can't even remember my login name but i think it's enchantress. thanks.
Um if i forgot my password what do i do? i can't even remember my login name but i think it's enchantress. thanks.
I ate a thumb-tack and don't know whether to tell my parents or not.

...I'm so bored.
Whenever I visit my main diary page ( my mozilla crashes and quits. I can view my friends page, user info, all comments, etc just fine, but not my main page.

Any idea what's wrong? It doesn't happen with any other pages anywhere else.
so there is this person on my friends list that no longer exsists.... bigmunkie or something like that, and i can't take him off my list.
thanks- mel
i have been having problems on my journal for the last couple of months. some anon. person is leaving me comments that are quite distressing. they seem to know me from school, and are saying things that are rude and hurtful. their journal is achewood. my journal is giraffebaby. i have tried to tell them to stop harassing me, but to no avail. i wish for them to either be banned from sitdiary, and i would like their email address so i can find...
out who they are, or i would like you to find a way so we can block people from reading our journals without setting it to "friends only". i am quite tempted to phone the police and have it dealt with, but i am asking you first. i would really like to know who this person is so i can deal with the harassment, as i have my speculations as to who the person may be. if this person does go to my school, i really need their name and email, because...
THREE COMMENTS BELOW...i plan on taking it to the school administration. i have left you comments a few weeks ago, and i am getting quite stressed out. i mean, it's really disturbing to know that you are being watched in a school that should be safe and comfortable. if you wish to contact me, i do believe you have my email adress, and if it is not correct on this journal, it should be on my old journal michele12. thank you so much. laura michelle
my diary{baki}has an unknown password.yup.i forgot.please change it and email the password to me.the email i created it with is
Yes doctor the dream won't go away I am walking down the hall then... I am j/k like the idea of a help diary you might be useful sometime.
Whaaaaaaaaaa?! Does this mean you don't love us anymore, Scott? *cries*
Oh... I see... it's because your cheating on us with Peter Pumpkin Eater. *Cries even more*
I upgraded Mozilla. It works now and that's rad.

i'm having a problem with the image manager. i can't upload anything. is there any way to get a TOP_LEFT pic up without using the image manager?
When I hit the CANCEL button on my entry; It still changes any entries I may have changed.
Is there anything you can do about the spam comments about online poker and suchwise things? There are way too many characters than the anonymous limit of 150, even the signed in limit of 450. I don't really want to set my comments to users only, but if you can't do anything about this then I guess I'll have to.

Have a grrreat day, Helpy.

PS. Whoever leaves the spam leaves the comments on random entries, but the same random entries. I've noted at least four or five on the same entry, but the entry's from two summers ago.

dear helpy mchelperson,

im moving out on my own for the first time today and i cant seem to get my boyfriend to help me. any ideas?

I have a suggestion. You should make an option that your diary is only viewable by people logged in. Because I don't want my boyfriend to read my diary but anyone else in the world is just fine with me... I guess since you don't have that an option at the moment, what I really need is to know how to delete my diary.
hey. im haveing alot of trouble changing my top_left pic...i keep renaming the pic i want there, but it keeps showing up as the last top_left pic i had! i just freakin blocked all the images from my site!! how can i fix it???
how to make a background with pictures
can i send money via mailbox?!
i blocked all my images by right clicking a pictue and pressing "block this image from the site" and it blocked ALL the images
How do I update and personalize my diary??? I'm not really getting this... thanks -candy_87
Hi!im anon because i cant sign onto my diary..been wanting to update for months now and i cant. pleaseHELP. Bakihanma2004@yahoo. my diary name is BAKI
candy87- you need to sign in and actually write (write new entry on the top right).
I'm having a problem deleting pictures. It's because I uploaded them and there was a space in the name. Now it won't let me delete them.

If there's anything you can do, that'd be great.

How do I delete a diary?
Help please; thanx, mrslafferty
How do I delete my sit diary?
How do I delete my sit diary?
scott! that space between the ad and the entries are big again. lots of line breaks.


cut them. cut them out, like butter.