Help the Lady Crossing the Street.

To make things easier for Scott the following people have requested deletion: [mrslafferty] [xmeinxkampfx] [chazattack] [silencedfreak] [purplepeanut] [lovehatesme] [pinky0x] Following people have some sort of login status issue (password): [baki] Following people have unexisting used storage in image manager: [guntomyhead] [pinacolada0029] if there are any more issues comment here. Many of you are asking about images that don't appear immediately. Patient my dear children. You can close your internet browser, reload and it might appear. Otherwise it takes a matter of time for the image to be recognize so don't get all ballistic because sit's server has feelings too you know. The Spam comments are quite annoying. damn you repetition! About design issues, simply experiment with Preferences but for html and specific graphics you can IM me and by IM'ing me you do not have the right to 1- flirt with me 2- invite me to gayporn chats 3- tell me about your boring day. AIM- digitalblinker --- Scott's Minion, Leo.
Read 38 comments
Does this mean anything? It happened after I updated:

Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 8
Connection refused (111)
hey, im rainissad and my password isnt working, so cant i change it?
hey im rainissad, i cant get onto my diary. WHY THE HELL NOT?!?!?!?!? help me the fuck out please. thank you.
i am rainissad. i cant get onto my diary. i think my password is not working. can i fill something out and get it back please?
- rainissad aka jason
i would like for shaggylady and burgchick to be deleted i want to start a new diary thanx
how do you add a new background to your sitdiary
how do you create a photo bucket
how do u get music to play on the diary
HI I have 2 pictures in my picture storage and they dont even exist.

Some of my entries are blank. Do you know why?

hey, I have an old diary that I need the pw for...

the handle is as follows: treggy

jason norman age 13, i cannot get onto my diary due to my password which is not working. isnt there a questionare or something so icanmakeanewpassword
i uploaded a saved picture on my computer that had a semi long name. it uploaded it perfectly and saved it as the original long name... but when i click on it, try to rename it, or try to delete it... on the new screen, it has renamed the picture itself as half of the original name, i guess trying to shorten it. the two names dont match and it wont let me do anything to it because the picture "doesnt exist" under the shortened name. help!
also, i would like my old diary next12exits to be deleted. thanks. ♥

by the way, i love this diary and i love the new help site.
I'm new to this and i really have no clue what i am doing. I don't know why but my text for an entry is getting cut off. How do i fix it?
hey scott, my name is michelle (shellyb). Is there any way to add music to my site? I am very into finding cool layouts and using HTML, yet i really cant find any "working" music links.

also i am getting strange comments, they are usually the same, but the problem being.. they are anonymous. here is one

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hey. I can't figure out how to change my background to something animated or add pictures to my entries. can you help me out?
How do I get a picture onto my diary background?
Hi Scott or Leo, To get to the point i have that unexisting used storage in image manager problem. It's not a big deal but whenever you guys arn't too busy could you please fix it for me?

thank you!

please delete me??...shit about my old boyfriend..bleh..thnk you!
what i have a problem with is the Page List length on the All Comments. it stretches the whole thing. is there any way to fix that? like making it like ?
with my images, its not that they don't appear immediately, it's that they don't appear at all. I've had one there for a couple months. It just keeps saying the file does not exist.
hey scott. I was wondering how the heck I'm getting all these poker casino viagra ads in my comments, especially considering my entries are "favorites only" so technically no one should be able to read/leave notes unless they are on my friends list (though I'm quite sure it's not my friends who are doing it). Any idea how this has happened? I feel as though my privacy is being invaded! hmm.
How long until the diaries are deleted, I need it deleted as soon as possible please, Its realllllly important.
How long until the diaries are deleted, I need it deleted as soon as possible please, Its realllllly important.
I typed in the wrong email addy when i registered and i dont want to lose my diary in 10 days, how do I change it?
For some reason yet unknown to me, my diary seems to be inaccessable... My friends can't get to it, and it's a public diary. I was wondering if you could tell me why it's gone funny...?
Sometimes, when I post entries [such as a few moments ago] I get messages such as this:

" Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 8
Connection refused (111) "

It's not really a problem, since the entries are still posted perfectly normally, but I just thought I would bring it to your attention.
I have the same problem as [pinacolada0029], I just wasn't gonna say anything until I saw she had it too. There's a picture in my image manager that I uploaded and it never showed up. It's still taking up space and I can't even view it, it just comes up as one of those red "x" things.

PLEASE help me with that password change. as soon as possible. NEED to update.

Hey, Leo smells like... old dentures!
how do I put an ENTRY!
hey. i seem to be having trouble merely getting a picture/image loaded. is any one else having this problem? what can i do to fix it? I've already formatted it to fit the size and jpg/gif requirements, it still wont work. help is requested and much appreciated. thanks, lilbit.
I would like to be deleted please, thank you. :)
ull delete everyone else diary who wants to but not mine... again... delete my diary [pinky0x]... god
i tried to set my diary to private - only i can read it.
when i sign off, it still lets me see it, as if it was on public. the only way i can hide it is if i do friends only, even though i want it private.
why is this?
Seriously, Leo...
Why do you smell like old dentures?
...And why do I know what old dentures smell like?
I'm done harassing you now. :D
lol ok hey Leo, this is a) not flirting, b) not gay porn, and most definitly c) is not pointless day chat....ok so instead of just rambling on heres the point. I am requesting deletion for diary name *bubblefairy071*
Much appreciated. Thanks for all your help.
-Taintedchild (Tricia)