interesting.. lol

ONE TRY..TYPE YOUR NAME WITH YOUR: FINGERS: kayla CHIN: kjahg,lz ONE FINGER WITH EYES CLOSED: katka CHEEK: jkimfdvnjbkdf ELBOW: lksayulas LIPS: kayla PALM: klsayulas BACK OF HAND: 09,wq3aqf6ky8;iaE NOSE: klala
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wow kaja thats a really interesting entry u got there lmao. yeah romans was a lotta fun and im srry to hear about ur damn foot spasms lmfao
lol MAN ST ROMANS ROCKED WITH U. "lets hit up a ride." lmfao that was awesome. and yea it all worked out. :) i wuv him :P i wuv u too, and kara in case she reads this LOL. jk u kno i love u kara, anyways... hope to see u at st romans! PEACE