ok lemme think.. so yesterday my aunt came over and apologised for everything that happened a couple of weeks ago.. i talked to my dad for the first time in like months i didnt wanna talk to him cuz im still mad at him for all the times hes fucked up and then he called my mom but she had taken a sleeping pill and she wasnt sleeping yet which means she wasnt gunna remember ne thing that happened that day so we were all worried about that at the time but that pill lasts 7 hours and she still isnt sleeping which means she'll be fine and remember everything tho.. n-e ways i took ambian around 8 or so cuz me my mom and aunt were all gunna go to bed n watch movies well then my dad desides to come over cuz he got out of his rehab thing that he was in a while ago and wanted to visit us and i was all half asleep n shit actin goofy so i told him i nook nyquill or sumthin lol.. my aunt left like right cuz she was goin out w/ her friend.. wen my dad came and then it was just me my mom n him we were all huggin each other n cryin and then my cuzin(and my dads cuzin)michelle comes home and got in a huge fight w/ her boyfriend and she was upset and then she seen my dad and they talked n everything.. my mom tried to get me to go to bed but i wasnt gunna go til she was to i was walkin around the house.
after my dad left michelles "friend" tom was gunna drive to our house so she could give him some money so she went outside and me and my mom went w/ her and then the next minute she was gone.. we were all freakin out so we got in our car n tried to follow it and looked in bars to find them but no luck. we went back home and were worried about her cuz tom is very violent or w.e so my mom called the cops and then they met us at toms house but turns out tom n michelle werent there..
so we were on our way home but then my mom was driving to columbia hospital cuz she hada really bad migrane.. we were there for about an hour and we told the doctors that i was 16 cuz they wouldnt let her drive home.. so i pulled out of the parking lot and got to drive for like 15-20 minutes but then my mom wanted to so she drove us the rest of the way home.. wen we got home tom called bitchin at my mom for callin the cops but she was worried bout michelle and wanted to come pick her up n he wouldnt let her cuz he was like no u'll call the cops again.. she tried talking to michelle but she was all drunk and wouldnt come home or w.e and then i guess tom hung up on my mom.. after that my mom was like im goin to st francis cuz the other hospital didnt get rid of my migrane.. i got mad at her for goin again and wen she left i decided to go to bed cuz it was like 4 in the morning and by that time my pill had like just worn off..
so i just woke up like a half an hour ago and my moms still up and has a bandaid on her head.. i guess she decided to go to kohl's and got in a fight w/ some girl there lol and she won.. michelles layin on the couch and idk how she got there yet.. wow im soo confused.. i kno bacially everything that happened while i was up but idk n-e thing after that..
i decided to not have this entry private n-e more.. i think i wrote this wen i was on the shit cuz as i read back on this i'm like wtf i dont even remember half this shit.. i seriously dont so i guess the pill didnt really ware off.. all this shit is soo vague too my especially the part to do w/ my dad comming over..
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