!My Life Is Over!

Feeling: depressed
Today the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed. So I didn't . . . but had to eventually. I went to school, and caught up on sleep during world cultures when we watched a particularly gross movie on torture. Did you know that they actually used to put people in this brass bull thing and light a fire underneath it, so the person inside would die boiling and melting away in a bull. They showed a lot of other graphic ways of death... which don't need to be passed on in here. After school I had play practice. Then JV practice. Then Freshmen practice. Afterwards my mom took me to the Y to watch my little brother attempt to play basketball. Haha, he sucks. They do have this orientl-ish person who is really awesome, though. I think his name is along the lines of Yogi. strange . . . Tomorrow I have early 7 o'clock practice, yippee... maybe I should get some rest, I do have play right after... but I don't want to oooo. I still just want to sleep forever. Luckily coach Renoylds is bringing donuts...I told him that would motivate me to get up so early. (Boston cream and chocolate munchkins w/ sprinkles!!!) Anyway . . . I'm out! kimbie kimble
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hey yo! lol...you read my sit.diary, so i decided to read yours! very interesting...thanks for the comment from before, and i'm definitely gonna add you to my friends list, cuz i have like nobody lol. YOU MADE JV, YAY! i did too, ill be seeing you around then!
Hey loser.

You have WAY too many practices.

Let's go to rite aid and read romance novels in the fishing pole aisle.

Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee megretchen