Wal-mart = weirdos (myself included)

Feeling: splendid
Soo, today mostly consisted of going to Super Wal-mart. I was going to do some Christmas shopping.. but never got around to it. Rylee and I got too distracted by .. our stalking habbits. While there was nothing interesting to do, we spent our time harrasing other shoppers. Sometimes we'd stage a fight.. with yelling, punching, and middle-fingering.. haha it was really stupid. We would like, push eachother onto random shoppers. Strangely, no one cared enough to break us up. Guess they wanted to see who would win. ANYWAY, about stalking, once we noticed the same guy seeing us stage a fight twice, we decided to follow him around. (ok.. Rylee thought he was hott..) We named him Eric. Later we also found another victom (Conner) shopping with his mom in the baby isle. We pretended to shop next to him, and asked "am I showing yet??" Even stalking got boring, and thankfully we left after about FIVE HOURS. Mom wanted to go to Filene's for no reason.. so we went in, and then left. Had Annie's mac+cheese for dinner, and rylee made pecan pie! yumm-ayy. Driver's ed tomorrow.. we have some project due, I thiink.. lol I'm going to fail that class. My teacher, Ozzy, hates me. I think he is cool. no win sitch. OK tis time to get tah bed.
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sounds like a blast. :o)