My dad's house was sooo boring. Today was the finals of our tournament. We lost to a U-13 team. Damned little migits. We were winning but our team got tired and just gave up. I tried to act nice about but I really wanted to beat the living shit out of them. I wish you were aloud to have fist fights after games. That would be soo much fun. My shoes are cracked so I need new ones. My dad's being a pain in the ass and says I shouldn't go to soccer camp at UT beacause I'nm trying hard enough. I was suposed to go with my friend alex. He called alex's mom and said i wasn't going. Alex's mom was worried so she called my mom and now my mom's mad, and she says I am dads crazy
Now I can't go swimming every day with branch jep and coco, cuz j and b r at camp....i guess I can go with the Najafi's tomorrow. I also need to go ice skaitng with florence and maybe mel. Then i need to go to sixflags and whitewater. And I need to see like all these movies. and read those stupid summer reading books with absolutly no point but to waist your time. I didn't even read robinson crusoe last year. It was so stupid. I just went to sparknotes...i still failed the test, but who cares.
i need a job....i owe money for my guitar and i can't get lessons till i pay it off. i need clothes and i need to clean out my room and closet.
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