Listening to: beverly hills
so today, it rain so the baseball game at turnerfield got cancelled, so soccer was scheduled early and not late. so mom had to bring my stuff to school again. i didnt have tennis shoes so i had to play in the gym with my converses. coach schwartz is like...what kindof soccer shoes r those???
i wa slike...ummmm didnt htey wear them to play basketball in the old days or something? she slike yeah i used ot wear those to school. i wa slike, did my mom. haha
practice was like 30 minutes. me and the freshman were scare dof every1 else so we kindof staye din a little group. sinc ehtere were 5 of us, i always got kicked out of the 2 and 4 ppl groups and just went with jessica. i wa slike...noooo dont leave me!!!
so we had a meeting and coach wades like...the 2nd part of practice is at capozzis. freshman get rides from the older players. so katie lilleys u guys need a ride?? wer elike....ummm were not sure. she slike ok well get ur stuff and sum1 will take u. so we get our stuff and we ocme back out and everyones ogne. so we go outside and coach schwartz drives by and is u need a ride? were like YES! then she just speeds off. we relike WTF???? she mustof sed do u guys HAVE rides? we wer elike shit. so were standing in fornt of the school and none of our parents can come get us. so were just standing out there what???
so i call my mom and she comes to get us but sarahs mom came first so we get ther elike 25 minutes late. wades like...did u justget here? were likie...nooooo.
so we ate pizza and alyssa only ate the cheese cuz it wa spassover. so coach wade slike what r u doing? shes like...i cant eat bread. he slike why the heck not? shes like...its passover. hes like oh.
five minutes later he turns around and he what do you eat???? it was so funny. then the capozzi guy was giving her hard time and wa my customers r going to b like ew the pizzas gross, that girl wont eat it. hes like wnat a salad? he was funny. so we had our own little freshman table.
so tomorrows our game nd were so scared. we dont want to play which we probably wont. but still. we get yearbooks otmorrow too!!! theyr elike $120 bcuz theyr elike 2000 pages long. they weigh like 50 lbs imnot kidding. i want one except its all about the seniors, but i know some of the seniors. and my picture is god awful. its like one of those progressive commercials where the person is like hell and u need insurance...yeah, thats me.
strikers had hteir first practice monday. i couldnt go, but aparently everyone is like amazing. were gonna kick ass this season. yeeessssssssssssssssssss.
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