agh yay!! omg so monday we had the first day of soccer tryouts and i was like this will b ok. i played pretty good. we got split up and like played on the softball field. and the 2 lady coaches watched us and wrote crap on their little clip boards. i wasnt doing as good as i usually do, but i was ok. so i had a really hard shot except it went over the fence. and i had to go get it. and i was tired when i got back. but then i did hadve this one really hard shot that went in perfectly. every1 was like...woah. and i did like 5 headers. so then we left and we were all nervous bcuz we wouldnt find out who made it untilt he next morning. so i left and ellie drove back at night and checked. me and ellie made it. i wa sliek yay.
so i got home and coco came oevr to help me make my cream puffs for food day in french the next day. they took ofor freaking ever and were all in french units so we had to like convert them. they werent too bad.
so then we had all of this cream left over and we had a cream fight. it splattered all over the floor and counters. i had it in my hair and on my sweatshirt. i threw it at cocos face but she turned and it streaked her hair. it wa shilarous. my mom wa slike what happened? i wa slike....those damn cream puffs. they just exploded in my face. it was amazing
my moms like yeeaahh right. so the next day i wa snervous the entire time. i had so much crap to drop off in my classes i had ot do in early. im starting to think wabbit doesn tlike me...fuckadidliumtious.
so i was so nervous in math, my leg was bouncing like...holy shit....really fast. and my stomach wa sabout to eat itself. i went to the bathroom liek 4 times today i was so nervous and i never use those digusting school toilets. so we had food day and i had alot of chocoloate stuff and felt sick. btw jolly rancher drinks are DISGUSTING!!!! EW like nasty. so i wa sall jittery an di kept tellnig blerina i was scared. she didnt care. so the bell rang and i went to the bathrooms to change. *i rememebrd my sportsbra this time haha*
thats happened to so many ppl trying out...they were talknig baout it today. it was funny i wa slike..haha yeah i did that.
so then i got out there and was shaking and liek having seizures. so we warmed up n stuff. then they split us into 3 teams. my team wa sout first so i was like going crzy. it was freazing and iw a sin shorts and a t sshirt. so then they let us go in. i did ok...but normally i do better. my passes were off. the bitches behind me wouldnt stop whining to pass the ball back....ok u dont have to do it every fucking time you get the ball smarty pantses. god almighty! so ya. i did a bunch of headers. iw a sgoing to do a corner kick but coach wade wante dme in the box to head the ball since im like 2 feet taller than every single person there. i wa slike oh shit...bcuz heading is my leats favorite thing in soccer...when its going fast at ur face. ya i HATE that. i didnt learn how to head the ball sine last year. but i acted really good to "miss" it. haha im an expert at that. so ya i did pretty good. this one time i was driblbing the ball and i made a really sharp cut and slid backwards for liek a second and then took a really good shot at the corner with my left foot and i barely missed. it was almost perfect. i wa sliek FWASHA
so that scored me some points.
so i left and froze my ass off waiting for my mom outside who was getting jd at catillion. i lost my agneda too...sinc ei have shirt term memory loss, and my agenda is basically my brain...i had problems. so iw ent home and wrote that damn poem for lit. it wa shard and i think i did it wrong. but mrs manguno can go...suck on a lemon that bitch. i hate her. today she was freaking out bcuz i didnt have a space between 2 of my lines....while she was lecturing me...i just clicked on th eline and pressed the enter key and she s like...oh ok nevermind. she walked away i wa slike..bitch.
so ya i was gonig insane and talking 2 every1 online and saying how freake dout i was. i felt like i wasnt oging ot make it and i wa sgoing crazy. and i couldnt get ahold of ellie. so finally she calls me and sez i made it. I wa slike...YES!!! but now im nervous again bcuz i have to do good tomorrow to maek the team. tomorrowa the last day of tryouts. GOD SAVE ME.
coco gave me her old laptop and im pretty fying it. HEHE this si awsome
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