Gosh. alright, umm i kind of already typed my things and i efing lost them. so what im going to do is say some short shit. im not doing good. okay i found out penguin, this guy i really really like, doesnt know or isnt sure if he likes me. so yeah. time will tell. and then this guy....jafar we shall call him said some shtuff that i got hella mad at and well uggh i just dont get him. and im sick and tired of his shit. so no more forgiveness b.c. i KNOW he's going to try and ask for that with the same old same...i know i can be a douche bag sometimes but i do care about you. BULL FUCKING SHIT, if he really cared about me he'd watch what he had to fucking say about ME AND MY FRIENDS. i really think im not going to be able to forgive him! alright well that's all b.c. im tired of even talking about this horrible night. Thanks G4e, yoo really helped me through my worst night. havent had this shit happen for like 5 weeks oh well. it was destined to with my oh so happy life that i have now.
*i am still love with my broken-corazon amor.*
amor- mi
Love Always,