Listening to: Live Music Outside
Feeling: nice
Ahh, I love my new colors they look very awesome and I'm super excited about them. Lo picked 'em out for me :]. I can't remember the last time I changed the colors but I really like it, as I said. So today was Bike To School day and I'm a little upset. 1) I woke up extremely early to find no one setting up breakfast, nor anywhere it could've possibly been. 2) I did not get a shirt. I sure hope next week's event is way better than this one. I don't have much to say considering I blogged yesterday, or at least I think I did. If not, the day before that. I am supposed to go to Kellie's room now that it's one but I'll probably finish this entry then head over there... Let me listt.... 1) Finish spanish hw/study for quiz 2) Plan out foundation of schedule for next semester 3) Look up classes 4) Write finalized proposed schedule for meeting with Gurak on fri. 5) Call gramps/dad? 6) Chemistry reading and/or work on quiz Okay now that I've prioritized let's see is there any thing else I need to discuss in this entry? Not really, just kinda bummed about B2S like I said...It's already wednesday the week is going by pretty fast. which is good and bad. good i get to go home. bad i have another test coming up very soon. alright i'm saying the same things over and over so I will leave and talk to Kellie. blogging con mas frecuencia, xoxo camilla creme
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