This my shit.

Hm...I will have a story for you in my next entry. Because I wrote one. And you'll love it. Heartbreak and all. (Not so much..)Okay these next two pieces are my favorites. My pride and joys.

Roast beef is just my excuse to get closer to you each time you move away.

Okay that's like an inside thing. Josh always brings me roast beef or we go to Arby's together after fighting. And it was in my book so I decided to write it. Anywho...

I call this one..
"No Hablo Espanol"
I wrote down that night
it wouldn't be forgotten
you read it with invisible ink
because now you don't remember.

You and I were in a dazed lust
the only way it should have been
when you wanted no more than to kiss me I fell down
I'm still falling.
Where distance means nothing it's everything
I wanted only the underlying feelings disclosed and
My own feeling brings me here--with aching
inside and out.

If what I saw in you was shallow
tell me you are an actor
truth is bigger when it's whole.

Your skewed view is evil,
I must have misinterpreted.

The pain of losing you is muffled with a kiss
I didn't want it to end like this.

When only in dreams are my dreams fulfilled,
I cannot bear to be happy
inside is what matters
and I'm filled with regret.

Yes. Being a teenager is not so much fun or anything.

Roast beef does wonders.

This one does not have a title but it is my most recent. As in...two days ago. Suggestions for titles are 'preshiated. Thanks.

All I had left
left me.
Lies and excuses
defeat me.
Boys and girls
The world and this place,
fuck me.

There's so much out there,
I pity me.
Lulu is starving, Ricardo dying.
I drown in sorrow for myself.

Slits open me up in the only way anyone will listen
Pain in my heart can't be heard but seen in bright red so obvious
still the only person I want to see is carelessly oblivious.

While I'm so sad even my favorite mornings no longer hold the same bright smile,
You take her out and tell her
what I'm dying to hear.

You're so caught up you can't
even see why I'm crying.
You're so popular and joyous
You don't even recognize
I've devoted my heartarm to you.

Okay I lied I have a title it's just at the end. Sorry. It's called "My Heart Bleeds on My Sleeve."

Read 5 comments
very pretty kate. i wish you werent sad.
you have one of the cutest diaries i've seen i love it! can you give me the codes to the scrollbar and your cursor??
suggestion -> you might want to make your font more legible.
ohmg i LOVE your diary! howd u get ur links to turn boldish with snowflakes? thats hott... comment back pplz!
kate.. dont give your html codes out! keep them for yourself. because its yours.