:1: New Diary!

Listening to: Aqua- \"Barbie\"
Feeling: erotic
So yeah i like got a new sitdiary, because i got tired of my last one, so i hope i get lots of comments on whatcha think about my new diary! Ash came up with the name of it! Isnt she amazing? i love her! tootles!
Read 28 comments
lol you do need one though. haha well im goin to bed, night love.
shut the hell up

omg! cute diary, but that really sucks a lot, are you gonna keep it if you are pregnent?
looks cool

well later
Hey sugar. i like your diary..ALOT. and i love you TONS AND TONS. i'm happy for you and booby about your 10 month. that's exciting.

Much <3
awww how cute!! hehe.. i love it!! its adorable! I LOVE YOU!
I...don't care.

=) later gator!!!
20 comments! DAMN...shoot im lucky if I get frigin 3 haha. You doing good...YAY..well by the the way i LOVE your diary its so cute, and I love the name. Well then I must be off, have a great great day! ttyl, oxo much much love -`nyesha`
KK, I'll be looking out for it.
Comments dont mean shit, its the content, my dear, that matters.
that was wheni was stilling being twofaced
Make a new entry!
okay but htis is josh

xoxo, ash.
you need a comment pic! :-)
your more great. :-)
no shit man!! i mean, like you would really effing do that. daaamn.
well who the fuck elses would it be!! its not like you cheat on bobby. daang.
you are just you and you are mean to all my real friends
oh my fucking god. that is fucking horrible. he has no right to even say that. dude he called me friday night..and was like i want sex. well he called 3 times and i hung up on him twice. and he left a voicemail like..dont ever fucking hang up on me ever agian, iwant fucking sex. so call me back or something, bye. and he called from unknown. lol

love ya
Awesome HTML layout.
dude we're running out of things to say here. lol
you make me horny.
you make me happy. :-)
whatever you want to believe but i am sick of be3ing twofaced bitch
no fuck you it is you fat bitch
take me off your friends list i dotn like you