:4: puppies

Listening to: Bobbys voice!
Feeling: pained
So yeah today i hung out with Bobby and Bailey! Around 3:00 we all went to the park with the puppies to play with them, and just chill, we did that for about an hour or so and then i ended up taking Bailey home! After taking Bailey home Bobby and I went to his house til' about 7:00 and we ended up taking the puppies back to the park to the play...they're so adorable! Well here are some pictures of the puppies!..enjoy! :) Image hosted by Photobucket.com Heres a picture of Zero, Bobby's puppy! Image hosted by Photobucket.com And here's Yasha and Bailey!!!...oh yeah Yasha isnt Seth's puppy anymore, its Lauries!! Image hosted by Photobucket.com Here's another picture of Yasha....she's so cute!! Image hosted by Photobucket.com And this is Kodiak, my puppy! He's the cutiest of them all :-) i love him!!
oh yes one more thing.....
I'M NOT PREGNANT so yeah for everyone that went around saying i was can stop anytime now, because its getting really annoying. Because for one i never said i was pregnant, i said i probably was, because seriously i was 10 days past my period..so what was i to expect? But i now know that i'm not pregnant, so y'all can shut your mouths! thanx! :)
Read 28 comments
your so stupip
you may not be pregnant but you still look like it bitch
your really really fat
Ya I read both of them. Thats fucking pathetic to make a fake diary like that, and one just to talk shit. If they had fucking balls theyd just straight up tell you, but Im sure you'd beat the shit out of em, and im sure they know it. Pussy ass bitches
AWWWW!! they are so cute!!! =) hehe... and thats really good news!!...

some people are just so.. UGH!!

love ya mucho.
I would call you a bitch but your not cool enough to be called that name. Its to high standards for you, So i guess i'll just call you a grossly obiese dumbshit.

omgz leave me a comment
i proposed to a bunch of random people.
it was fun.
cute puppy :-P
sooo...If you didn't want people finding out if you were pregnant or not...why would you write about that stuff in your xanga/sitdiary. Your so fucking stupid. You just want attention. also, i read the comment on josh's sit. wtf? dogging on someone because of how much money they have? And calling them a low life? What the fuck jordan, Your so dumb.
i looove you babe. and im glad your not pregnant.

your friend,
assssh ♥
oh good. I'm glad you're not! haha..that would be scary.. goodness. Um..well we broke up cause things just werent working between us. it was mutual. i guess we're still friends? i dunno. we havnet really talked since then. but its cool. haha...love you very much hun!

You know you love me,
lol wowzas...people suck ass, and ill for sure be there in 3 years!!! haha, I havent talked to your either in a while! I MISS YOU! Those puppies are adorable! aww lol...hehe love ya too...wells ill ttyl girly, have a great day!! OXOXOX MUCH LOVE -`nyesha`
um fuck you
and bob dosnt care about you he cares about your vagina
and your fat and ugly
like every one knows that
so go fuck yourself okay
shutup you just have a vagina so he can fuck you
thats why he picks you over us
it dosnt matter cause your fat and stupid
I hate you take that damn pic of me off of there lol its horrible...we're just going to have to get together and take another one a good one lol..just please do me the favor and take it off..love ya much..ttyl

when he was with us he talks shit on you
but whatever
because i think your making his life suck
cause you are
Bitches...who needs em...
jordan i fucking hate you a lot and your fat and stupid
and i think you should brake up with bob
no where not
i dont like you
i hate you a lot
and i want to be off your friends list
so take me off
Ya I fucking hate rumors...rumors are made by ppl jealous of u.
where not friends
so just take me off
take me off your friends list!
Ya understandable...Oh and Im not pregnant either.
Yay Im ur friend!

Im the kind of chick its like, one time and if we break up, theres no point in pretending we never did.
He pissed my off by doing something stupid and then I pissed him off and then we made up but shit was always in the back of our minds, plus I was too busy for him.
Oh em gee I want a puppy. :(

They are adorable.

I love your layout still.
& you.
Haha I have no idea wtf I just said. :(