
Feeling: psyched
A person's beliefs challange them at least once in their life, their parents lie, they lose their faith, they lose love without these challanges how do we endure when true hardship hits us. The questions they make aren't always answered it comes down to your other beliefs and your stand. Hold firm for just an instance and you may redefine your world. When people come up with a view that God cannot exist, they feel a part of them draging behind wanted to believe. That part knows that your wrong because it knows God it is god because he/she/whatever is inside you helping you to continue on and be the person you morals make you to be. Some people forget that though god made us in his/her image that it is just an image. like how pyrite looks like gold but isn't. You can't be as God is because humans are flawed. God doesn't have sineven though he/she may have wrath. But this wrath is only used against evil. God is with you even if you chose not to agknowledge him/her, because he/she LETS YOU. God gave you choice be thankful, or not.
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