Listening to: AAR
Feeling: balanced
"Yes, All is well...."Gods&Generals after the battle of Fredricksburg.
Quite the moving film. The scenes with the Irish Brigade where particulary gripping, I guess its my heritage, or just the fact that the Irish Fight like mad men with their courage pinned to their collar. Thats a characteristic I am proud of.
Also I got to go to the theme park and fill in my application.
They'll interview me in a few days, I hope to get a job when all the whinners get too hot, or too bored to work anymore.
Till then I plan on working all finals week making sno-cones, for bout 9hours a day, making $5 per hour, Ill "feel" rich at the end of it.
I was talking with a friend of mine and I presented a current issue gay marriage, Ill tell you what my belief on the subject is now,keep in mind that I am conservative,so pleasedon't stone me bout this.
Marriage isn't an insitution of state, never should have been I blame our forefathers, The state should give everyone civil unions, and leave marriages to the church and since the church doesn't recognize gay marriage, sorry folks, won't happen, but you will have the same rights as every atheist out there/(for the catholic faith)divoriced person out there. Thank You.
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