Listening to: Linkin Park- Nobodys listening
Feeling: good
Just bought Meteora, and I can gladly say that I am addicted, At least it let me use up some of those stupid gift cards that were rotting in my wallet. Lot of things I don't use it there, Library card, well wish card, health insurance card copy, school ids. etc.... However, there are little glimmers in that worn leather prison, folds for cash, a drivers permit, and my guitar pick. I look at those and realize that my wallet is fairly undispensible. One more gift card to go any good music recommendations. I mean hidden treasures, not well known stuff, like more LInkin Park!!, or SOTY, or etc...... If you ask people if they know bout this one awesome artist or band and they're like "?" thats what I am looking for. Thanks.
Anyway band wise I am addicted to Supertramp, Rufus Wainwright, Led Zeppelin, and Brand New. You seem like a Zeppelin/Brand New kinda guy. Anyway give me a buzz next entry you posdt if you dont come and visit again for awhile!