Listening to: Howie Day - Brace Yourself [acoustic]
Feeling: lonely
I'm glad that SD has listless as a mood...I didn't think it would be on the list.
I'm Sleepless in Roscommon.
A lot of things are just assaulting me constantly...I don't really know what else I can do but go completely insane. Insanity would be a cleansing experience right now.
Think of it! No wordly worries, no longer wishing to understand the critical wounds of "love;" no more hating myself for doing things against what people say; the voices in my head would laugh and cry and destroy themselves and I'd be whole again...
Maybe I'm set for insanity. Set a course for bloody asylum, matey!
Uggg...I think the turkey is getting to me. time to change this diary up a bit.
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