i love these...

Feeling: nonchalant
*Thirteen random things you like* 01) stuffed animals 02) roses 03) curly hair 04) chocolate 05) LAUGHING 06) dancing 07) singing 08) people who can play the guitar 09) trampolines 10) camping 11) sand 12) the sun 13) being hyper *Twelve Movies* 01) Grind 02) The Wizard of Oz 04) Mean Girls 05) Anchorman 06) Saw 07) Save the Last Dance 08) Heavy Weights 09) Ten Things I Hate About You 10) The Sandlot 11) Ave Ventura:Pet Detective 12) Moulin Rouge *Eleven Good Artists/Bands* 01) Something Corporate 02) Plain White T's 03) Relient K 04) Jimmy Eat World 05) Goo Goo Dolls 06) John Mayer 07) Yellowcard 08) Spitalfield 09) Matchbook Romance 10) Motion City Soundtrack 11) Sherwood *Ten Things About You Physically* 01) 5'5" 02) longish brown hair 03) its quite curly 04) green eyes...that sometimes look blue 05) size 7.5 feet 06) an oval shaped birthmark on my right ankle 07) small wrists 08) double jointed fingers and elbows 09) straight, white teeth 10) long eyelashes *Nine Places You Want To Visit* 01) San Diego 02) Australia 03) Spain 04) Puerto Rico 05) Las Vegas 06) London 07) Austria 08) Bahamas 09) Italy *Eight Favorite Foods* 01) vanilla panda paws 02) chicken pattys 03) pizza 04) oreos 05) turkey w/ lettuce sandwhiches 06) twix 07) french fries 08) gold fish *Seven Things You Wear Daily* 01) shirt 02) underwear 03) bra 04) pants/shorts 05) the bracelet kristen made me! 06) sandals ~ adidas! 07) contacts *Six Things That Annoy You* 01) crying children 02) phone calls early in the morning 03) alarm clocks 04) 2-faced people 05) bad moods 06) Boredom *Five Things You Touch Daily* 01) toothbrush 02) deoderant 03) computer keyboard 04) computer mouse 05) my radio *Four TV Shows You Watch* 01) Desperate Housewives 02) The OC 03) Extreme Makeover:Home Edition 04) Full House *Three Celebrities You Have a Crush on* 01) Johnny Depp 02) Orlando Bloom 03) Tom Delonge *Two Things You Can't Live Without* 01) my friends/family 02) music *Name One Thing You Want More Than Anything* 01) Love Ok, so i had my training for parks and rec today...it wasnt bad...i'm actually quite excited! but i'm done. later kids *Leen-Ben*
Read 5 comments
hope that training went well. woo hoo for a job. hahahaha. you'll realize that it does suck eventually. lol i love youuuuu!!!! kristen michelle o'hara
haha you eat goldfish!!
heck yes i do...u got a problem with that?! hahaha
eileen! that survey thing looks quite farmiliar. haha i love you!!
-young samantha
well young samantha...i'm not gonna lie, i totally ganked it from u! and then kristen and briana both ganked it from me! hahaha loveu!