so i love my babys mother...i'll never let her go

Listening to: the killers
Feeling: sorry
i heart my friends, and it makes me sad when one of them has to leave for long periods of time...but i suppose thats what the phone and IM are for! Friday was an ok day...i got all of my wisdom teeth pulled!!! We got there at 9:55 and we were pulling out of the parking lot at 10:27. It was crazy! I got the novacaine and the laughy gas. The gas was whole body got all tingly and then i just sorta felt like i was floating, it was really nice actually. And i thought it was a pretty sweet deal that i got to keep my teeth, so if any of you wanna see them...juss lemme kno! ;-) hahah I was sick saturday morning from my pain meds which i am deff not gonna take anymore, but by like 3ish i was feeling fine, so kelly and briana came over and hung out with me! It was nice to see them and all we did was ate some ice cream and watched movies, but it was still fun! Today i'm pretty much feeling completely fine, which is a good thing, and so ive got a bunch of stuff to do such as cleaning and more thats about it, k, i'm done kids! *Leen-Ben* ~always in our hearts~ RIP Bridget Klingler 8-19-05 RIP Liz Williams 8-20-05
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sweet diary!
i love you a lot and am glad that i've gotten to see you so much lately! have a fantastic night! :-*

hey, i love you too...and i am also glad ive gotten to see so much of you!