2day was sarah*s bday ! haPpy b*day sarah ! okay so i*m on break wit Tim ryte now..we*Ll proLly be fine this weekend..i toLd him i needed a break .. i just cudn*T evn believe..thas aLl newayz..i can*T get on aLot cuZza this mean computer..its so meSsed up ! nd ther is this lyke fly thing flyin around .. i don*T lyke it .. nd i tryed to lyke get it away by lyke swaTtin around my arms..nd i aCcidentaLly hit it !! ah!!!! i freaked out..it was so groSs !!! this weekend was krazii..got so shit face trashed sat nyte..then i don*T waNna talk bout the rest..but yeah..so i gueSs ima go cuz i got nuthyn els to say
-:- £¡£ ׆ìñª -:- |