heyy..i is sick! eww..gross..i don*T lyke to be sick..but then again who does?! o well. i went to da dr.s 2day & dey gave-ed me mediceeennne..now hopefuLLy i get better..FAST! as LyTeNiN! lolz
i was pLayin wit Miah 2day! sucha cute LiL kitten..hehez
herez the story on her:
my m0m was goin to work 1 day,
she heard thys noise..she finaLLy concluded (yes i kno big work! yay Ashley) that it was the meow of a cat
she found a lil kitten
she showed me i named it Miah cuz that how she sounded wen she meowed..
we kept feedin her
we caught it
we r now adoptin it as our pet!
& she soo cute!..weLL we thynk its a she LOL!
ALwayZ & 4eVa
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tell miah i said hi!!
lol thanks!! :-) yeah i think youd be better off with those..air forces..phat farm shoes..whatever the hell those ghetto shoes are called lol