oh man.. we went to GheTtysburg this weekend..it was soo scary !! we got so many lyke unexplainable pix..lyke ther wer bajiLlions of orbs..but that was lyke nuthyn..in 1 pic ther was a random playin card by Thomas*s head..no1 was ther by us..nd we didn*T do it..the field was pitch black..nd the pitch black field..looked as tho it was on fire in the pic..ther wer random lyke lightning bolts..but not when we took the pictures..nd Brittney*s leg was miSsing in a picture!! it was krazii
Saturday nyte i was soo scared i was lyke shaking uncontroLlably lol i cudn*T stop nd i wasn*T evn cold i was just that scared lol
weLl ima go xOxO
-:- £¡£ ׆ìñª -:- |
and pretty dayum HoTT one lol
wow hes sOo sexxi WOoOo
him and his whole fanily!!
i x3 John Gotti Agnello