++ titleless? . . .

Feeling: hungry
I just finished watching Project Runway, I think that's what it's called and I'm not sure how I feel about that show. So yesterday Sarah & I went to Munroe Junior High to teach the foxtrot and the swing. It went pretty good considering we only learnt the dance on tuesday. Prodigy was there too. They did pretty good but I still think last years group was better. Then there were these guys who used beer bottles to play music. It was weird yet cool. Yesum, apparently we're getting paid of some sort for doing that. He told us when we first got there that we were getting paid but we thought he was kidding and then before we left he said he'd just send it to us. I leave in 72 days. =) I'm excited. I need to save my money but I just can't. I have no self control. And the sad part is my money just goes to food. Oh but I did stop myself yesterday from buying candy from the store. I was pretty proud of that and no Matthew, I did not go to superstore to buy food. End scene.
Read 3 comments
Kayla you better save money for mongos this week!!!
ya need to check that attitude at the door .. lol iunno just wante dto comment
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