Roses. Such strange gifts to give someone you consider close. a rose is red as in romance and hearts, yes, but what about blood? Sorry guys but, oi. Like Starfire says of Teen Titans (airs at 9 Sat. on Cartoon Network and 10 Sun Pacific I believe), "I believe it is costume on this planet to wear a dead plant". My point exactly. Now, are dead plants really necessary? Especially a plant that has thorns. "Hey babe, I love you and all but I thought it'd be nice to give you a deceased lifeform. If it gives you a poke, it doesn't like you." Man, luv u too, babe...Thumbelina was born from a rose. hmm...well, I know I give alot of thought to these strange sayings but the human culture is still knew to me. I'm afraid I'm not sure I completely understand it.
I keep forgetting to watch teen titans.. I've been meaning to give it a chance.. but i keep forgetting. ^^;
;_; sad to say, i never saw CATS.. the play or the movie.. I've been wanting to though. it looks interesting. ^^
mine is in July
They should make an ice cream pie.
And if they have already, they should give me one.