[13] Lucky No.

Has anyone every noticed that some guys have the best hair? I know, amazing to have that conversation come out of me. I must be bored and on major caffine. I just had cupa tea. So, back to the strange topic few have ever heared me talk about. well, really, it's the picture of Mort up top. Hang on, I need a few seconds...wow, i'm still out of character...now about the hair thing, most girls i know take mintues and hours and weeks, to do their hair "correctly". I just tie up my hair. And since it is curly, the hair is one big knot, really. I might cut it all out summer. Someone, who knows me, if you leave a comment saying I'm telling the truth, I know sum folk don't believe me. So, to take hours at a time to do one's hair is...to me...waste of time. At that time, I will have dressed. And by the time the average hour-long-hair-doing girl has finished picking out clothes not already on the floor, I would have already eaten. And so on. So, if what i do is what guys do, then why isn't thier hair like mine? Answer me that Sir Depp!
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being one of the get-up-at-five-to-blow-dry-straighten-and-style my hair girls you speak of, I personally would like to say I only do it to look nice. I figure I'm going to do a job, so why not take the time for presentation?
I also always pick out my outfits the night before.
What's OCD mean? ^^
I know what ADHD is cause my cousin and alot of people I know (on my mom's family) have it. ^^
it's not that bad really, me thinks.. sorry about the short term memory thing. ^.~ Don't worry~
I won't forget'ya if you forget me sometimes. :D no problemo. lol ^^ take care. :) I hope it all goes well for'ya.
last two times I got a haircut, the girls who cut my hair wouldn't stop playing with it. @_@;;
My sis takes 2 seconds with her hair. lol sometimes she even just sleeps with her pony-tail in so she doesn't have to get it in the morning (she takes her showers at night instead of morning). lol
anyways, my hair.... doesn't matter, i comb it one way, it falls back into this way no matter what. :P fun fun~
lol yay~ thankies. ^.~ I like my sense of humor. :P 'ya have a good one as well. :D lol
lol yep. ^^
I do that too sometimes.. I don't like watching a new movie unless I see the preview first. :P Or know an actor/actress I like is in'em. :P
I watch others sometimes though.. sometimes they're really good, other times they really suck. :P
anyways, thanks for the info on OCD. ^^ that doesn't sound too bad. :D me thinks.. what do you think of it? ^^
anyways, take care. :D aloha~
lol aww, yeah, they always try to make things sound either more than what they are, or less. ^.~ OCD isn't really bad, me thinks. :D

lol sameo sameo =same old same old? :P

well, things have been pretty weird lately. ^.^ better though. :D how bout' you?
aww, need a hug? *hugs* ^^ lol

oyoy, little children.. @___@;;; I love kids (want some, some day) :P but man they can get annoying as heck. hehe it's cute sometimes though. ^^ I miss when I was that young. :D

anyways, sorry your days fart.. that stinks.. (lol no pun intended)...
hope it gets better for'ya. :D HAPPY EASTER!!! ^.^ meow~
lol why would you think you're a bad person? :P lol I don't consider'ya a bad person. =^^=

lol yea, I love the GET FUZZY comics :P
i like your cursor. this is candicetortoise, but different blog. daddy made me delete it because my private thoughts are not to be shared w/ the public (he saw that i called my mother an asshole) (: