Have you ever gon to someone's house and thought it was beautiful and saw a candy bowl in hte middle of the living room coffee table where you go over and remove the lid to see nothing but fruit flavored candy? Now, if i'm not mistaken, the word "candy" usually consists with chocolate and vanilla and stuff, correct? I mean, do you not usually think candy to be like this? I did. But this makes me wonder about the fruit flavored candies. Did mothers around the US call in the local candy companies and ask: "My children luv yer stuff and all but I'm not sure I agree with them. Maybe if you reduced calories and cholestrol and fat and sugar or sumfin." And the ringleaders of these candy industries will say: "How?" And the mothers of KanahapaMississippiCounty will reply "Oh! I know! Let's replace the vanilla and chocolate with strawberry and apple to bring the children of KanahaMississippiCounty their daily fiber and protein vitamins and minerals!" And they do this to try to make children's food a health hazard! Not necessary!
My mother doesn't believe in candy dishes, anyways. We're kinda pretzel people. Lol Sei's mom has this one bowl of cinnamon hearts that I swear has been there since last V-day. And Lauren is having a love affair with those little debbies.
But meh, fruit flavored candy isnt so bad, when you consider you culd open the thing and find liver and onions or something.
Ew times ten.
Take care!
if that's whatcha meant, then I'm in New Jersey =^^= :D what about you? ^^
but i still like chocolate alot better. :D hehe
I've been there before though. =^^=
Oh, that cat from inuyasha is names Kirara. hehe =^^= it's cute. :D me thinks.
and no problem. hehe I sometimes have no idea how to say things, so it just sounds weird sometimes. hehe oh, well. =^^=
Who is Adam Levine? that name sounds familiar. ^^;
and i love food too. :D hehe ^^ I love to cook. =^___^=
lol I love those survey thingies. :P
and yeah, ^^ Kurama rocks~!
I just found a cool poster of'em yesterday at the mall. :D it's hanging all snug on my closet door now. :3 lol