Music and drugs #5

Listening to: AC/DC - Back in Black
Feeling: asleep
I've just read Hardial's post and i was so shocked, anyway, if you care for anything i say i shall tell you it was the best thing you should've done. Tomorrow is the concert in Leganes, what a great time were a going to have, drinking, smoking, hearing one of my favourite bands, man, you can ask no more. My parents started bitching me with the typical parents/son conversation. Don't take drugs, don't drink blablabla. Hey, I DO take drugs, VERY VERY VERY OFTEN, but i DO DRINK, i'm so deprived if i don't for a fucking week. Anywya, i just tell you a las thing hardial: My father was also broke a couple of years ago, and there's no need to worry, don't be tense or anything :P So, if you don't have a place to live in Canada, come to Spain, my house is pretty big and my parents won't care to feed another person, my mother always wanted a girl, so you know :p migy
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lol! u and ur alcohol...
yeah when we tried counselling a few years ago it didn't do anything. maybe this time it will... iono, hope so.