lust envy hate jelousy
when i heard that- i was thinking about how true it is.
lust has become the end of me
it's the most tiring thing that can come over someone. // thinking about him is driving me insane, just thinking about his has drawn all my energy. i find myself day*dreaming at work.. never doing what i'm supposed to be doing.
but it's seriously crazy. and i haven't felt this way in so long. .not this intense. all i want to do is cry i'm so happy.
my life is so perfect right now. if absolutely everything was going right i wouldn't say it was all perfect. but there is so much wrong in my life now. i can say it's perfect because he makes me so happy i dont even care about the negativities in my life.
it's like a tunnel. i dont even notice my surroundings anymore. only him.
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