Listening to: I Can\'t Go To Sleep - WuTang.
1 - i wish that i could go on . . secretly wishing things had gone differently.. wishing we had ended up together, but knowing you didn't feel the same way. still, i liked having you as a friend, and i'm glad that was able to happen.
[y0u].. i never knew it was possible to miss someone so much . . having seen you yesterday.. and knowing that ill see you tomorrow, or atleast the next day. that's how much i like you.
1 day with out you is 1 day too many
+i'm not too worried about hanging out, because i know ill find a way to see you. just know, i do miss you, and soon i'll find a way. i just need to let my parents cool off a little.
+ im sorry for whatever they said to you.
_ + ask your gMa what she said to my mom.. it's bad. bad things about all our friends. and apparently she doesnt think i should hang out with any of you.
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