Peter Murphy

After apartment hunting, we decided to drive around town for a little while. First we went to a Halloween store, which I filled out a job application for. Even though it is only a seasonal Halloween store, I wouldn't mind working there. It would only be for a month though. I realized today how hard it is to find a job around here. Small towns are so vicious when it comes to having the right outer appearance. I really hope it doesn't take me any longer than two weeks to find a job when we move. We also stopped by the local Hastings to kill some time. I ran into an old acquaintance of mine. She's still the same as always... A slave to her desires. I would want to call her a slut, but there is something about the way she talks about her causal encounters so easily that makes such a statement tacky. I guess I understand that in her mind she really thinks that sleeping with as many men as possible is the right thing to do to stay happy. I've always been monogamous and I can count my partners on one hand. I just don't see what is so great about sleeping around with random people. Although I can not deny that I have thought about it. We are all still primitive behind our technology. Speaking of which, I had this odd dream last night. I went to a Peter Murphy concert at a bar. Somehow I caught Peter Murphy alone and I started talking with him. We talked about music for a long time while drinking a few beers. We stepped outside to have a cigarette and I started hitting on him. If you know who Peter Murphy is, you will know how much older he is compared to me. We were heavily flirting when all of a sudden I was woken up. Yes, I was quite annoyed!
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