I still have mixed feelings about the online radio DJ conference we had yesterday afternoon. I still feel awkward, offended, walked over, and betrayed. I was given the assistant manager position two weeks after I was hired at the station which at first was an awesome opportunity. Now I fear for my position at the station.
At the beginning of my career everything was great. The owners and the manager were really nice and everyone was very laid back. Everything changed in the past week. Before September started I made sure to let the management know that I will not be available as much during the month due to the fact that I am going to be busy moving out of the city and back near my hometown. The rest of the management seemed to understand my situation and assured me that I would always have a place at the station. Now that it is September their word seems to have been spread thin. I have been in and out, and doing everything that I could possibly do when I am online. Yesterday it was made clear that I wasn't doing enough. So, they hired another assistant manager.
I really don't mind the thought of having a second assistant manager, I actually think it is a good idea because I won't be available all the time. The way they went about hiring this assistant manager is what really has me feeling awkward as well as betrayed. The person they hired was a guy who they fired a little while after I was hired. He made an uproar about the fact that I was given the assistant manager position and he was kicked to the curb. He was kicked out because he was making an arse out of himself. Every conference we had after that the rest of the management always had something bad to say about him. Then all of a sudden he gets hired, and usually when someone is hired the management has a conference and everyone decides together whether someone is hired or not. Only two people decided to hire him, and I don't think that is fair.
Everything in that conference yesterday was decided between only one of the owners and the manager. That is what has made me so frustrated. They also decided that the station is going to be a pure rock station from now on, which doesn't effect me much since the music I play is considered in one form or another "rock". The issue with that is that the other owner doesn't play much rock and was quite flummoxed about the new decision. I actually was content with the original theme that you could play whatever type of music you wanted to play.
I am also not a big fan of being yelled at during a conference. That really doesn't have much to do with it, but I wanted to get that off of my chest.
I know I haven't been on the ball as I usually am, but I have my reasons. My reasons were made clear before the month started. I fear for my position at the station. I love being a DJ and I love playing music that I love to listen to. I feel like if I say anything to the rest of management about how I really feel after the conference, then I will be kicked out for good. I really don't want to jeopardize my position right now.
I think creating this Diary was a good idea after all...