
Listening to: whatever
Feeling: excited
this marking period i got really good grades. that means i get to go to April's party. i can't wait. i really want to meet Keith. Tab keeps on saying that i'm gonna get lucky. whatever Tab! i don't want any! i just want to meet him because he sounds really nice. Ashley is spreadding around that April is in love with Jeremiah. to set the record straight -APRIL DOES NOT LIKE JEREMIAH AS MORE THAN A FRIEND!!!!!! anyone who wants to say different can deal with me. ashley already has that coming to her. she's gonna get it at april's party because i can't get in trouble there. i'm there for you april. and ashley had better stop calling people sluts because she is the bigest one i have ever met. she gonna get bitched out tomorrow if she even thinks of coming to my locker or sitting with us at lunch. well enough b******* for today love ya all leave me some people!!!!
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i love your diary
i love you brianna. sorry for the shitty mood that i had on friday. :)