hi? skjdfl;ksjdf
I © u to!©©©©©© wait that is the opyright sign..ugh i tried making a heart for you..*cries*
ok that last entry was a little weird
you make me cry
y r u crying
dont cry
yay! dont u think the guess in the pic are hot??
Christina, I'm glad we have so much in common!!! we should meet up sometime...LOL... not really since we're so far away. well maybe when we're older. then we could possibly form a band!!! I'll play guitar or piano, my friend sean nolan is an AWESOME drum player!!! Astarael plays piano and stringed instruments and Jenny (if shes still not a b@#$*) plays bass guitar. yeah alright this could be our future plan!!! LOL, talk, well write ya later.
I'm OK. I'm still REALLY mad at Jenny but nothing new.
so am I... I can't wait till schools out! only 2 and a half more days!! Woo Hoo... I can't really celebrate I'm so tired. what I'm really anxious for is my driver's licence(I'll be 16 June 6th) which I go for July 1st.
Well talk to you tomorrow gtg bye!!!
calling someone a poser is pretty dumb. people are stupid. :D
omg..how dumb can ppl be??? callin ppl posers...dumbasses...lol...good song...i luvthat cd..lol...ttyl
yeah, I thought it was good to bake her a cake. I did want to get her something more, but I had no money.