Girls Girls calm the fuck down

Listening to: the sox game
Feeling: bitter
Wow when girls get mad they go at it and sometimes it's not w/ fists they do it w/ partys!!! I wish my girlfriend wasn't such a hipocrit i mean i love her w/ all my heart (sometimes) but she is so confuzing i mean she didn't want me to go to some party w/ a couple of my friends that i'm not gonna see for a long time and 1 friend that i'm not gonna see ever again. But she can go get her picturs taken w/ some dude that is complete in love w/ her ( not me ) and she can go to a dance w/ him and recreat a night where they suppoedly fell in love and kiss. but i can't go to a pool party... GAY not fair and to top it all off there was a hole bunch of new people at my practice last night and they aplit my team up into 2 different teams whitch i think is really stupid b/c we had a lot of chemistry and we kicked MDI's ass 12-2 and we had already had 2 practices and 2 games and they go and split the team up now thats stupid!!!! Mikey #9
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hey...had fun! Hope things go well 4 u bro!

Love, catie,sarah&megg
Hey dude~ well dont get to worked up im sure things will work out whatever happens! luvya so much! xoox!