TiM FrOm Up NoRt

Listening to: somthing Brad Paisley
Feeling: lustful
Howdy y'all ! ! ! ! well i'm really bored and i havn't talked to any of my friends in 4 days b/c my dad did a total systym recovory on my computer and i don't think he's gonna let me put aol instant messanger back on, so if anyone needs me u know the number... So anyway the wierdest thing happend yester- day... i was on the computer and my mom was like ok mike erins out of the shower so now u can take yours so i went in my room and grabed my radio and i got in the shower and about half way throuh al of a sudden the water gets REALLY cold and go OH SHIT and i jumped out so i put a shirt on and a towel and i went into the kitchen and theres my mom singin to her self doin the dishes and she sees me and she go's wow mike that was a quick shower and i look at her and say, "GOD DAMNIT WOMEN U J/ BITCHED AT FOR A HALF AN HOUR TO GET IN THE GOD DAMN SHOWER AND U START DOING THE FUCKIN DISHES ! ! ! ! and then she looks me right in the eye and sez sry i didn't know u were geting in the shower... she's really starting to scare me... so thats it. l8r peoples MuCh LoVe MiGgY #17
Read 8 comments
sounds like yer mom is blonde, or has short-term memory loss.
wow, you really do want to be just like connor.....nice picture of the beatles.....
hey mike im linda and if you ever need any advice just gimme a hollar at ineedadvice! thanx!
ya ur mom i so bitchy to u.what's wrong with her.
well,miss u deeply and see u at masthead,
hey mikey..maybe you should try harder on making that entry in steph diary privet.....its funny how you took out all the bad things you said huh? how weird...
Thank you so much!

♥ Sarah
thts funny
but dont let it get to ya
i live with my grandma and shit liek tht happeneds all the time
i dont even know who you are and you are calling me short! not cool dude. and actually i'm 16, so what now.

a.k.a katie