{2} pissed off

Well my second entry i'm such a nOOb as my sister says. So i guess your wonderin why i'm pissed. Well, my friend colton freaked out on my sister today and she almost kicked his ass and i think he deserved it, he can be very annoying sumtimes. Not many people like him even i'm startin to get sick of his shit but i can't be mean to him even though i think i should cause he acts like an asshole all the time. Anyways on a happier note the band i'm in rules. Right not its me Thomas and Adam who i've never met, we just need a bassist. Yesterday Thomas and John came over and i jammed with Thomas it was kick ass he's a good player too. i kick ass and you don't HOOOOO! bi-atch, i know your password, and this is so much more fun then commenting XD Everyone, this is Linds, i am teh master of everything, and i have just pwned my brother XD everyone, go to my diary, much better ^^ My Diary booyeah, i kick ass.
Read 5 comments
i agree with your comment, and i believe that i too kick ass.
yes!! Grimly Fiendish rocks. And so do I.
no dippy on teh internet foo!


yeah man.. Grimly Fiendish forever
Damn brother, you get more comments then i do x_X

not for long, people are just going to abondon you like they did me!

