
Somewhere between my first and second drinks, I decided two things. One, that the children in front of me were our future, and two, that I was never having kids. I managed to have a heart-to-heart with a ten year old without spilling anything. "Listen," it probably went, "you've got to stop beating girls up, because starting at your age the girls are going to be weaker than you, and you can really hurt them." What exactly I said, I don't remember. I was working on completing one sentence at a time. My mind was drifting. "You should never hit girls.. even your sisters. Especially them. Because if you hit girls, then you are never going to get a girlfriend, or get married. Ever. And you don't want that, right?" This same boy later went on to push me into the diving board. I have pictures of the scrape. Action. Reaction. There are circumstances that make people lose faith in you. Apparently, I will fuck anything that looks at me twice. Apparently, alcohol has nothing to do with it. This is how she sees me. She is afraid to leave me alone with people. She's suspicious, constantly on guard. I know why she thinks this. I know why other people think this. I know why they're wrong.
Read 3 comments
hooray idiots who are wrong

wait, that's not it...
I woke up, and considered calling u cuz it was 2 in the afternoon... but then i remembered... and i shall leave u and meiman to ur... 'activities'...
yeah, thanks :)

oh and im in love with your diary more than anything, ever. i love the colors and the stripes and then the goldish font. ah it looks so good. jealous.