create your own visited states map Wednesday, August 17th - California Thursday, August 18th - California, Nevada, Arizona (thank you, hoover dam.)
create your own visited states map Wednesday, August 17th - California Thursday, August 18th - California, Nevada, Arizona (thank you, hoover dam.)
It'd pretty much just be a table, with a back/forward button, with all the entries on the right, and when you click back/forward/entry name, it'll pull the appropriate data from the xml using xmlhttprequest.
Message me on AIM if you want me to make somehting like that.
Havn't seen you on aim in...A while.
My friend [lookn4mypeguin] was wondering why her diary got deactivated, and if there was a way she could get her entries back. (I'll write a script to pull her entries into a file, if you're too lazy to make one. =P)
It'd actualy be fairly easy to make an extraction feature for people's diaries.
It'll just export the entries to an xml file, and use ajax to pull the appropriate entries. (cont)
Did you have fun in Vegas?
Have a great day.