Scott, we really need the ability to change our passwords back.

pleasepleaseplease, lol.
hello Scott...
so i tryed looking in Prefrences and i still can not find a way to change my password.
since my ex has it i really don't want him to find out before me how to change it.
anwyays if you could help me out that would be great
On all of my old(er) entries, my dates are all August 13, 2008. Can this be fixed?
I have a question.. about the recent ADD situation... I don't have a zip code.. with being in the UK.. Can I get english adds? Hehe.
Alright :) will do. Thanks!
mmmmmmsz i cant make an entry =[
Scooooott! (Pronounced like Sc-ahhhhh-tt, not Scoot.)

I noticed the ads at the top and stuff. Do you still accept donations?
any idea why i cant sign in as [likearainbow]?
Tis my birthday! XD
And yes, the sexy Jayson is coming to see me tonight. =D
In case you were wonderinggg.
Hey thanks for the comment.. yeah pretty much but hopefully some good will come out of it with the foundation. Kinda starting to doubt if I can really do it though :(... dont know. ttyl :)
can you check my diary out cus i dont know whats wrong with it? or is everything still not done?
ScottScottScott, can you delete my diary please?
[Anonymous (]
Thanks for giving us the old dates back :)
Aye, at least I have Sitdiary.
And some nice lovely Tylenol! :)

Hope you're having a good day!
im going to get of the computer now ill have my sister help me when she gets out of class tomorrow, my email is i think its just something im doing wrong but thanks for the help ttyl have a good night
i had a pic of a heart with a knife through it and it wont show up anymore and i keep trying to change my backround colors and it wont change and i dont understand it
haha.. that can be fixed.
i don't see jim morrison; that aside, it's not bad. =P
and a comment for good measure.