i only did like...............
[ ] that much, and im so happy.
har har
this will be an everlasting love
um.....what ok. wait. hahaa.
no, it was more than that. the chronicals of narnia ia scary. hahehee
yea....gib lion man.
dude...what he fuck.
robby...dude. no fuckin way.
hello, this is you
telling me what to do
write you say
i dont know how i answer.
this is all like a dream...
weaving like a basket. haha
tables wheel their way out the door.
people hide turtles lay
sand washes up.
timmy, galveston again.
so sleepy so lay me down
into this deep dark stae that holds me tight
all a dream
fantasies for reality...
hey- do you have aol instant messenger because if you do then we could talk easier