another survey

01. favorite color: blue, or lime green 02. favorite drink: sobe drinks 03. favorite cereal: cocoa krispies 04. favorite cookie: depends on my mood 05. favorite author: R.L. Stine 06. favorite nsync member: I don't like NSYNC 07. favorite way of getting caffeinated: mountain dew 08. favorite chipmunk:idk..but there r suicidal ones in massachussetts... 09. favorite ice cream: mint chocolate chip 10. favorite t.v. station: WB18 11. do you believe in love at first sight: sure 12. do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom: who doesnt?? that'd b nasty 13. do you put empty cartons back in the fridge: no...i get in trouble if i do 14. do you do things you know you shouldn't: of course...its part of being a teen 15. do you take responsibility: for what?? 16. do you have someone else's underwear: wtf?? y would i have other ppl's underwear?? 17. do you associate with people you don't even like: idk...sometimes i guess 18. do you have any psychological disorders: probably... 19. do you drink diet soda: sometimes... 20. would you kiss on a first date: depends on who my date is 21. do you look both ways before crossing the street: Umm, ya! i've never been hit by a car...but im pretty sure it would hurt...A LOT 22. have you broken the law: ummm...technically??? 23. have you had one too many to drinks: right now??? no 24. have you backed into something: with a car?? no...walking...yes...all the 25. have you graduated high school: not yet... 26. have you bitten someone until they bled: lol no... vampire lookin ass 27. have you ever stolen a street sign: wtf?? what would b the point of that?? 28. have you ever been in a car accident: well..if u include the time in the taco bell drive through when the guy threw his bike on our car...then story 29. have you ever been in a food fight: kinda..but mom doesnt like it when my dad n brother n me throw food at dinner 30. have you ever sucked helium: i cant remember 31. what are you not doing: im not having fun 31. what are you talking about: wtf? 32. what are you wearing: black t-shirt n black pants with red pinstripes 33. what are you craving: foodwise?? nothing...otherwise...time with friends 34. what are you thinking of: umm...that these ?s r stupid 35. what are you lacking: time with FRIENDS 36. what are you going to do after this: talk to ppl online 37. what are you missing: somebody 38. what are you hoping: That next weekend will b fun 39. what are you reading: eye candy by r.l. stine 40. what are you listening to: my dad playin with the dog 41. last movie you saw: dodgeball 42. last person you touched: wtf? umm... idk 43. last person you yelled at: my brother 44. last time you got pissed: like really pissed??..i cant even remember...i dont get angry easily 45. last person you told you loved: cant rememeber..all my friends prolly 46. last thing you drank: water 47. last year, what were you for Halloween: myself...nice costume eh?? 48. this year, you will be: who knows 49. last time you were on the phone: umm...last week sumtime 50. last song you heard: all that i've got 51. do you want to get married / divorce: I don't want to get divorced...married??? not yet 52. do you want to have children/ names?: not right now...names?? idk 53. do you want to tell certain people off: like i said...i dont get mad easily..but sometimes yes 55. do you want to be somewhere else: yes...with my friends 56. do you want to be someone else: nope..i like me 57. do you want to be famous: Not really...not enuf privacy 58. do you want to go for a walk: Too hot. Lol. 59. do you want to hug anyone: sure..y not 60. do you want to make a difference: what would b the point of life if u dont make a difference... 61. how do you feel about PDA: i dont care 62. how do you feel about the other PDA: Wtf? 63. how do you feel about alternative lifestyles: what kind of alternative lifestyles?? 64. how do you feel about president bush: i'm nit really into politics yet 65. how do you feel about birth control: whatever the fuck someone wants to do its their choice 66. how do you feel about abusive relationships: the abusers...they should have to go to jail so they can get abused n c how they like it...the ppl being abused...they should tell somebody 67. How do you feel about the internet: Umm its great...i get to talk to friends...parents dont understand that 68. how do you feel about your family: They're great...most of the time 69. how do you feel about your friends: i love my friends..n they kno it 70. how do you feel about polygamy: its wrong 71. do you like jelly beans: yup :) 72. do you like it when it rains: long as its not a storm...they scare me 73. do you like to drive: snowmobiles...4wheelers...go carts...yup yup 74. do you like to eat out: depends on who i'm with 75. do you like being home: when no one else is home 76. do you like the people (or animals) you live with: yes 77. do you like emo: some bands 78. do you like Microsoft: never thought about it 79. do you like your name: I wouldnt change it... 80. do you like the person you stole this from: hes awesome..hes my bff 81. worst musical artist/band: i think i'll keep to myself on this one 82. worst feeling in the world: umm...feeling all alone 83. worst color combination: umm...idk 84. worst element on the periodic table: wtf who cares 85. worst disease / infection to get: cancer and skin diseases...and aids 86. you are: missing my friends...and other ppl
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fuck u jessica. LOL -Fe
lol i was bored... :) i still love you!!