The Extra D Is For Dance Dance

Listenin' To: Cold Hard Bitch - Jet Feeling: Thankful Currently Playing: NOT DDR There comes a time in every man's life, usually a time of weakness or pressure, when he may succumb to the demonic lure of the DDR machine... In reality though I'm pretty sure Grace wouldn't even let me get THAT close. I've been having a pretty jampacked week: ! Told my boss I'm resigning ! Applied for TAFE Music woo ! Emotionally draining argument with parents over choice of Tafe course ! Helping Gracey out with HSC stress, and also a little bit of "biology study" ! Tanya has returned from France! Totally unrelated increase in background noise has been noted. ! Trying in vain to get my freakin ceedee burner to BURN A FREAKIN CEEDEE ! Many promises of joining and/or creating bands that will probably not follow through ! Desperately trying to sell St George Year 11 Social tickets because neither I nor Gracey could make it... and couldn't help but notice that nobody wanted them either bwehehehe ! The Artist formerly known as Prince can go get bent (wink wink Keevzor YOU know what i'm talking about) TO ALL YEAR TWELVES: GOOD LUCK IN THE BIG TEST THINGY!! word. Sparky P.S. The title was originally "the extra D is for DEATH" but i stand by my choice.
Read 4 comments
while i was reading that, i was thinking how irresponsible of grace you were drawing her out to be. haha.
GOOD LUCK with tafe. ooh exciting stuff! ka

it didn't fit in the last box. i'll curse sitdiary before i sleep tonight.
hey dude!!! been a while!!! you're so awesome!!

luv ya!!
Poor Fil ~pats on the head~
Fantastic comic though!