Based On A... Well, Sorta

Listenin' To: Twig - PUSA Feeling: Muchos El Grandos Fuckin' Sweet As Currently Playing: Drums The Galaxy World Saga concludes! Let us watch. That's seriously gotta be the most fun I've ever had drawing a strip. It took me about four days but it was well worth the hand pain (this time, not from masturbation!). While I'm on things awesome, Tafe is quite that. Not Tafe itself but the people. My class is full of downright champs. (and some musos BADUM CH) So yeah, really looking forward to the rest of the year in Music. MAKING LASAGNE TONIGHT FUCK YEAH Can it get any better than this? Fil P.S. Oh man, check out Rob and Elliot ( while "stache fight" is still there. That strip is so incredibly Fil it's scaring me. The language! The insanity! The facial hair!! HOW!?
Read 7 comments
haha, great story

- Elly who loves you and stauches.
It's *MoE*! You're so clever, Fil :D It's so good to know you're in school for music!! I will write soon, I promise!
fil ur a classic!! hahahah and YES YES YES tafe is awesome, this is liz by the way :P
Yaw Fil. Joe here. Tafe Joe. Tasty tafe Joe. Taffy Joe. All of the above. Like the comics! Can relate to the videogame one : (, and the SBS one =D!
one day, the real asian fellow who snatched up your ball will find his way to your comic and gasp! knowing that in one small way, he's made a differen
ce in your world. you're such a great guy.