--Currently I am on neopets, yes neopets, and I am in a chat. It's really fun, and we have talked about almost everything. Funny and scary movies, idiots, and now we are discussing Bloody Mary. Fun fun fun!
--I have also argued about how bad brittany spears, jessica simpson, and hillary duff are. My god! They can't sing! Why the hell does anybody like them?! I don't get it! WHY WONT THEY DIE?!
--I also had a "keen" argument about rap. This person started a chat that asked if you liked rap. Then a whole bunch of people started saying they hated it. The person got so mad for doing what she asked us to do. State our opinions. She was saying that with rock, you couldn't dance to it. Then it was all out war with her and I. Then she emailed me and just said, "you and your country music". I think she is crazy.
--(>o-o)> (o-o)>(o-o)>Do the Kirby!
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